Friday, 16 September 2005

Stupidity Reigns...or at least it could

My last two posts were intended to be well intentioned gentle pokes at our transtlantic buddies and their reknowned lack of knowledge about other continents, countries and cultures. However, reading the lovely Alexa's site pointed me to this American absolute stinking pile of radical christian fuckwit rhetoric from someone as dangerous in thought and motive as Osama Bin Laden. Pat Robertson and his ilk frighten the shit out of me because watered down versions of him can get to power. George Bush is just the start, and he's another religious fruitcake whose thought train is not a million miles from Pat RobertsCunt. Just think of how many will actually believe this bollocks? A million, 2 million? America can be a very scary place sometimes.

Muslim fundamentalists are mad and dangerous, but imagine someone like this with access to the Fire button! Bowel loosening stuff huh?

Later, GrocerJack

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