Friday, 2 September 2005

Any doubts now?

If anyone ever doubted what a clueless, brainless, self important, self righteous, egotistical fuckwitcunt George Dubya Bush is, then surely his obvious lack of action and interest, other than the provision of sentimental meaningless soundbites, over the New Orleans disaster shows this moron for what he really is. Of course I don't suppose for one minute it's anything to do with New Orleans being the heartland of a mainly black, poorly educated and generally low income populace has it?

Nah, surely that wouldn't have any bearing on why the most powerful shitebrain imbecile in the world has seemingly ignored the "aid" required and decided to deploy troops from the National Guard into the city on a "shoot to kill" basis. Still think this twats answer to everything is not to shoot or bomb it? Still think he can use the peaceful alternative? Still think he even knows what a peaceful alternative is? Jesus, it's a wonder he isn't bombing cloud formations or sending the troops into shoot the sky during particularly heavy rain showers

Oh, and for those other wankers and fuckwits (such a descriptive word) that seem to think that it's different because it's America, surely a victim is a victim no matter where they live? Are some people seriously suggesting we discriminate against the victims of natural disaster based on the fact that their country is powerful and rich, even if the victims aren't. Oh, and does it matter if the victims aren't poor? Suely if your house is flattened, your children killed, your health shattered, your surroundings devastated then it feels as bad no matter what your personal wealth level is?

*Interestingly, the Republicans won this state in the recent elections by around 300,000 votes, or 56.8% of the votes cast compared to 46.2% for the Democrats. I can't help wondering that this won't happen next time after the current debacle*.

Later, GrocerJack

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