Who the fuck do they think they are?
Read this article that was published today in The Guardian. It's not too long so take a few minutes and read it. Then tell me who the fuck these Muslim wankers think they are. George Galloway is a prick I agree, but his guilt in my view is his misguided ability to see the good in everyone, including fanatical and fundamental (aka mental) Islamists. As mad and deluded as Gorgeous George is he belives in what he is saying, and he is committed to peace by whatever means. To himself he is honest. He doesn't deserve threats and abuse along these lines from a bunch of fucking lunatics denouncing OUR democratic process. It may be flawed (representational democracy without PR is inherently flawed) but its OURS and you either abide by it or fuck off. I don't agree with the BNP, but under our laws they are a legitmate party, but these Muslims are nothing but a crackpot lobby group with the agenda of conmverting the UK to an Islamic ruled country and all that entails....you know rule by fear, torture and oppression, with some mysogynism, racism and corruption thrown in as well. All I can say is that if the police are willing to arrest that BNP facist cunt Nick Griffin for "racist language" or whatever then why the fuck are these people still walking free? Do you really think that if I threatened to kill someone, along with my mates, in public I'd be ignored by the police? Of course not. I'd be banged up quicker than than Dirty Den can get his dick out on a webcam.
Of course this taints even further the tolerant and even handed muslims that form the majority of their presence within the community. But as can be seen in the widespread condemnation of the BNP by the majority of right minded ordinary people, which acts as a rejection of BNP principles and methods, then why doesn't the majority Muslim community denounce publicly their lunatic fringe as well?
Later, GrocerJack
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