An oddly warm welcome back......
"You are The Doctor - You will be exterminated.......nothing can prevent the Daleks from victory" ....words that put the fear of God into every Who fan as a kid .Yes, a very warm welcome back this week to the nemesis of Doctor Who and 40-something fans of the series who remember these evil fuckers the first time round. One of the things with nostalgia is the warm feeling you get from the things that both frightened and fascinated you as a kid. I look back at these preposterous pepperpots and think how scary they were, with that electronic but brilliantly cold and emotionless voice barking orders, making statements of pure logic and yet built in hate (they were designed to use logic by Davros thier creator, but in some way or another it is projected as the emotion of hatred) or screeching their war cry of "Exterminate". Yup, as a kid you didn't worry about the obvious difficulty they would have with stairs, after all they did not become an evil universal force of death and domination without overcoming uneven terrains, nor did you worry about the most obvious disablement in throwing a blanket or jumper over the heads. After all that would be too easy. You didn't question this because they were so fearsome and merciless, and all they wanted to do was conquer and kill.
In the old Doctor Who series too often they were done away with a bit too easily by blankets, or conventional human weaponry, but apparently the updated one as pictured above is a meaner, chunkier version with none of those weaknesses. Even more so it's a killing machine with no compassion or mercy. Great, I can't wait for this. This episode only contains a single, not yet updated, but undoubtedly pissed off Dalek being held captive by a billionaire artefacts collector in Utah. But this will link to the denouement of this excellent return series, called Parting of the Ways (in 2 parts, so expect a cliffhanger) which sees an all out battle with the Daleks, which according to the series producer, the seemingly imperious and increasingly TV god-like Russell T Davies, can "fly like bastards". More congrats to the BBC as well for the Doctor Who web site, where a veritable smorgasbord of videos, clips, pictures and additional stuff can be found. Check it out - its quality and shows they really have put some fantastic effort into reproducing this fabulous series for the 21st century..
Later, getting the sofa ready to be hidden behind, DavrosJack

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