Friday, 11 March 2005

Shameless plug.......

My first "proper" article has been published today on the Chelsea FC Blog site - follow the link. I will try and keep this site relatively sports free, however as Chelsea are my passion its always likely that my feelings will need politically incorrect airings here. The article is titled The Calm after The Storm if you're interested and is basically my personal review of the UEFA Champions League game on Tuesday night between Chelsea and Barcelona, from which my blood pressure and heart rate have finally recovered. It also covers the disgraceful, woeful, abysmal and downright fucking insulting coverage that ITV Sport (sic) granted the game.

I hope ITV Sport gets banished into the wilderness of "extreme" sports coverage (i.e, those sports that aren't real sports but are merely the sad activities of lonely wankers with a testosterone overload and no friends or life). ITV Sport - you're a bunch of arse!

Later, Grocerjack

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