Wednesday, 2 March 2005

Female Logic 1.........

An old chestnut I know, but I have to ask. I know that the statement "female logic" is an oxymoron, but I just do not understand the rationale.

A friend of mine today said that he always has to apologise after a row with his wife, no matter whether he is right or wrong. Because like most blokes we can't abide the silent treatment, or the sub-Arctic temperature being emitted from our alleged better halves. As soon as he said this the sound of a large and incredibly noisy bell could be heard inside my head. You see the same thing happens to me, constantly. If GMD and me have a row, whether a full war campaign, or a minor terriitorial skirmish, then the end result is ALWAYS the same.

And that result is this....I APOLOGISE.

Even if I am factually completely and utterly correct. I APOLOGISE.

Which of course means that I APOLOGISE, even when I have done nothing wrong.

And this ALWAYS happens. There are NO exceptions. Ever.

When nI think of the ramifications this could have I get a bit scared. What if a female copper mistakenly nicks me for a murder. I could protest my innocence, but all she'd have to do is give me the silent treatment for a few hours and I'd apologise. Which then implies my guilt and before I could say "GrocerJack Robinson", I'm doing a hefty old stretch in the chokey at the pleasure of Her Maj!

I thought I could sulk for England....nay GB.......nay Europe in any intercontinental sulking competition, but sulking is different to this absolute denial of wrongdoing, this utter pig-headedness, this steely-eyed stubbornness, this unswerving inability to accept that on occasions even WOMEN are in the wrong!

I bet a straw poll of the blokes in the office, or down the pub would reveal exactly the same

So, if you know the answer then please.....please.....pretty fucking please...for fucks sake ...let me know.

Later, GrocerJack

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