Scary stuff......
Now I used to be a big conspiracy theorist but over the years my cynicism had become dulled thus removing one of the last allegedly slightly rebellious stances I had. Yes, we did land on the Moon and not in a Hollywood Studio, yes Lee Harvey Oswald did shoot JFK from the book repository despite Oliver Stone's claims in his excellent film. Princess Diana did die in a car accident at the hands of a drunken Frenchman and not because of some sort of Secret Service plot. All of the counter- theories for these incidents seemed plausible to me, after all we believe what our eyes tell us and we form beliefs based on the evidence presented to us, which for the most part is via the press or Broadcast media. I had at one stage thought that the Internet would be a strengthening cause for those of us who questioned what we were being told, but no.....even the impetus of that seems to have died in a sea of abject Apathy. At least I thought this had died in my mind until I saw the superb BBC's Power of Nightmares programme last night. In fact last night was the last of three episodes and was a damning indictment if just how apathetic, gullible and malleable we as a society in the West have become.
The basic premise was that politicians over the years have met with more and more disinterest and disrespect for their powers of government. Effectively they have failed to deliver what they have promised which has led to the people becoming disillusioned. Ultimately the importance of politics within our lives became marginalised, and with this the power the politicians held became less and less. Of course, politicians only enter this line of work because they want power, no matter how altruistic they make it sound about wanting to improve society/lessen poverty/ drive down crime etc etc. Ultimately to try and execute these altruistic and honourable principles you need the power to implement them, which means you must be greedy in some way to gain power and then implemt your priciples, even against the will of large numbers of people, because as a politician YOU know best. Especially if you're a Labour politician. Labour politicians know that it is wrong for consenting adults to watch porn (fuck each others brains out, for sure, but don't watch others doing it), or gamble in casino's (because apparently we're all a bunch of latent fuckwit gambling addicts - oh and lets not forget if Labour had been in power there would have been no National Lottery - all the good causes would have been funded by higher taxes imposed on unwitting hard working overtaxed people like me) , or drink (because at 22:55 I am old enough and responsible enough to drink in a pub, but at 23:01 apparently I am no longer capable of drinking responsibly). I could go on but I think you all known how much it pains me to be essentially socialist and yet have to put up with the fucking Bleeding Heart Nanny Government we have now, full of do-gooders like Clare MiseryGuts Short, Frank Twat Dobson , Austin "people can't be trusted" Mitchell et al. All of them chips off the old "we know whats best for you, better than you do" block.
Anyway, I digress. The point is that the programme put the view across that to really gain power, the various governments had to do something. And so, the Neo-conservative, fundamental Christian power base in the US gained favour. They had one problem though, since the disintegration of the USSR, there was no real enemy anymore. They could no longer assert their power by giving good God Fearing US citizens something else to fear in God's rather prolonged absence from our view. Enter Stage Left - Al-Qaida. There was so much detail in last nights programme it would take a blog of monumental proportions to explain the intricacies. The essence was that Al-Qaida themselves were only "formed" because of the failure of Osama Bin Laden and his mentor (whose name I forget) to instigate hard line Fundamental Islamic revolutions in the Middle East and Europe. OBL and his mate decided that Muslim minds had been poisoned and brainwashed by Western culture and lifestyle, and as such declared the new enemy to be those very influences, primarily America and her allies, but Christians and Jews in general as well. However , all OBL has ever been capable of doing was assisting with funding and all the evidence seems to be that the US built Al-Qaida up to be a cellular, hidden, effective, clever and well organised network of terrrorists hell bent on destroying the West.
They had their new enemy!
Al-Quaida on the other hand, found their cause getting world wide publicity thus gaining them new followers to the idea of fundamental Islam, although the programme proved that their alleged sophistication was non-existent, and that the infamous cave bombing exercises in Afghanistan for example, were based on an article written in The Times by a knobber journo claiming these hidden cave hideaways were complete with sophisticated computer systems, air conditioning, secret exits and entrances, planning rooms, accomodation etc. Yep, it turns out they were in fact just...caves! And another lie smashed last night - the myth of the devastation caused by a "dirty bomb". Yeah, the conventional bomb lined with radioactive material that we hear about almost evry week. Apparently people would die from the bomb explosion, but the radioactive material would be so widely dispersed by the explosion that barely anyone with a decent Geiger counter would notice the difference between the fallout of the bomb and a particularly sunny day in Brighton! No bomb site would be closed for very long because of radiation, and in fact anyone nearby would more than likely have any radioactive debris removed by simply having a shower.
And so for the past four years we have a had the most powerful nation on Earth run by a neo-conservative, fundamental christian government, playing a deadly game against an artificially created enemy of convenience whose creation was formed from similar circumstances as that of the US Government. Christians disillusioned at the moral collapse of Western society and the appeasement of other religions and cultures, Muslims disgusted by the apathy and apparent corruption of their own societies and people because they believed they could reconcile their beliefs with Western lifestyles.
The overriding point of the programme seemd to be that if politicians create a climate of fear amongst the populace then they have restored their power over us. They create a climate of fear by peddling an incessant stream of stories of doom, terror, economic hard times, environmental crises, we then fall in line in order to be safe and sound. The line is now "vote for us, do as we say, and we will protect you from the evil ones". No matter that the alleged evil may be a tiny risk to all of us, or even non-existent. Of course, we're not that daft or gullible are we? Unless of course you see the result of the US Elections yesterday, in which a sizeable majority (the biggest for some time) voted Dubya back in. His campaign was based on what? Yep, how he was the only one capable of protecting the US from the evil of terrorism. And is there any doubt Tony Bliar (sic) will get in next year? No credible alternative and his sizeable majority will not be overturned, especially when Middle England picks up the message of "protection from evil".
My faith in well written and thought out conspiracies has been truly restored by this marvellous programme.
Later, unless of course someone's out to get me, GrocerJack the Great Protector
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