Thursday, 21 October 2004

Some brief thoughts........

I have a free moment so I thought I'd share a thought or two.....

As you might have gather I was no fan of Lynda Lee Potter or the nasty rag she wrote for, so I thought a brief poem in the style of EJ Thribb would be sufficient comment on her demise.
Even writing shit poetry is hard. I wish the Daily Facist would go the same way because then I'd be really inspired to write a death poem. However, not wanting to plagiarise another blogger I decided to try the poetry bit, but for a succinctlly written piece that sums up how I really feel about her please check out the fantastic Casino Avenue written by a master blogger ( take a bow Inspector Sands).

Honda - yes that's right Honda - seen the "hate Something, Change Something " advert on TV yet? Talk about breaking the mould. Whilst BMW , Vauxhall etc all roll out the usual funky songs, trendy youngsters, along come Honda with a fantastic animated piece of pschedelic film complete with horribly catchy ditty. No open empty roads, no dynamic young couples.....just sheer originality. Don't tell me this wasn't conceived after a Magic Mushroom breakfast! Visit the web site and see it yourself.

Boris Johnson
- bumbling upper class wanker - stick to Have I Got News For You. Can you believe this got so much coverage? Must be a fucking slow news week.

Adrian Mutu - cocky, lazy, unfit but undoubtedly a rare football talent. He has demons in his head and perhaps his intellect (he has a degree) causes him to "think" about life more than most of the more monosyllabic characters in the game. I hope Chelsea give him the support to be rehabilated and the chance to redeem himself and show what a great footballer he can be. Blimey....would I have said that about any other player in any other team. Don't be daft......everyone knows the rules change when your team is affected!

Geoff Hoon - arrogant wanker.

Chelsea FC - I slept like a baby last night for the first time in a week, all thanks to you. Because you won and now have a maximum 9 points from 9 in the Champions and Almost Champions League? Nah, because you bored the absolute arse off me. I still love you, but honestly behave yourself. What you did last night was slowly strangle the life from CSKA Moscow and with it the game of football.

Robert Kilroy-Silk - orange skinned, big mouthed, egotistical dumb wanker

Spooks - it might be called silly, unlikely, flashy but in my view it is completely unmissable. It's oh-so-fucking trendy to have the water cooler conversation about US TV programmes like 24, The Sopranos, West Wing or Six Feet Under but when the fantastic and ever improving BBC hammer yet another nail into the coffin of ShiteTV by producing a series with strangely believable storylines (especially for conspiracy theorists like me), with warm and vulnerable characters (Keeley Hawes anyone?...well I would.....) we seem to enjoy the process of bringing it down via bile stained and vitriolic criticism from media whore knobber journo's with the intellectual capacity of a lobotomised amoeba. Spooks is every bit as good as any of the US stuff being shown here at the moment, and it's pace, production values and quality is by far the best of any current British TV series. Check it's not just for boys.

Please checkout some new blogs on my sidebar. New ones are the Chelsea Blog (strictly for Chelsea fans only), Alexa - a sort of Belle de Jour from the US.....but more real and less.....arty-farty in my view, the marvellous Jack Shian....someone with a levle of cynicism far exceeding mine - I reckon he would be a perfect drinking partner for an evening, Gert with her mad musings and Suzy Snow with her Apperceptive Journey.

Later comrades, Agent GrocerJack

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