Sunday, 3 October 2004

Frustration or resentment?

Everything Teenager does or says winds me up. Her life seems to consist of acting thick, as if that's somehow trendy, answering questions or statements with a sarky "Yeah) or "Whatever" or "If you say so". I hate her music, the infatuation with boys, the rising hemlines on her skirts, the constant texting, the phone calls after Ten from Mini-Me or Mini-Me's mate....and just the general....sarcastic attitude. Aren't Dads supposed to be their daughters favourites? Was I ever like this?

Why do I feel like this, why have my conversations with her become one liners along the lines of "don't do this, or don't do that"?

Someone tell me its just normal Teenager/parent tension, or just frustration at different interests. Please don't let it be my subconscious resentment at not being that young and carefree anymore.

Later, GrocerJack

1 comment:

  1. We came home from work one day to find our lad laying on the floor with 2 dirty plates, 8 mugs, and a gravy boat around him.

    "What were you doing with the gravy boat?"

    (looking at me like I'm the dickhead)

    "No clean mugs left"

    Don't worry GJ, it only gets worse!


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