Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Thought I'd something more to say......

 Morning Mugs

My last post was in July ffs. I promised there'd be more thoughts, notes, observations and stuff posted here, including an option to maybe lookat 'vlogging' for the older more mature person maybe.

But it didn't happen did it?  What a lazy git. How hard is it to spend 15 minutes a day dumping thoughts and ideas down on a public forum?

That no-one reads.

Loads of mundane stuff did, not exciting I grant, but maybe that's an advantage of lockdown....life quietened down for many of us. So, a list of things to discuss might be a good idea and then peridocially I will try and crack through it and add as necessary.


  1. Holidays , or lack thereof and what I did with my leave
  2. Days out I did do
  3. New hobbies from days gone by - astronomy in this case and the reintroduction of walking football
  4. Losing someone close unexpectedly
  5. The joys of artificial grass and unnatural worry about the garden in general
  6. Pensions, transferring out and all the worries
  7. More gardening, ffs...something I never thought I'd enjoy but.... 
  8. COVID bollocks - getting busy dying or getting busy living?
  9. Stuff I've enjoyed watching, and of course stuff I've hated
  10. Football under COVID
  11. Dogs and cats.
  12. Working from home, working in general. 
  13. The perils and joys of online shopping
  14. Why the hell do I seem to have more to do than ever before?

That'll do for now. Add grumbles about the weather , the government and all sort so other niggles  and maybe I can get some consistency going. 

Later Mugs, GJ

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