Tuesday, 25 February 2020


Morning Mugs,

I'm fresh back from my first ever weekend in Paris........more about that in the next post.

My question is this......as we get older do we become more detached from the shit the world throws at us? Right now, it seems to me the news is an incessant stream of bad news. Coronavirus, floods, storms, brexit, facism, anti-semitism  and an ignorant Uk government seemingly being driven by Dominic Cummings and not the PM. In sport it's all doping allegations or VAR controversy or racist or homophobic sports people.   

The list of negativity is endless. 

And I look at this and the The Wall is erected. I just think, well fuck the world. My life continues as it does every day. My influence on anything or anyone is zero. I ignore health fads. I ignore conspiracy stories. I ignore scare stories. I read articles, watch and listen to the news and base everything on the simplest balance of probabilities. That's almost ironic as probability was one of my weaker mathematical subjects. 

I can't help wondering if this attitude of 'keep calm and carry on' is a peculiarly British thing or whether it's just a result of getting older and a by-product of life experience. Looking at the rising panic and gloom in the country as a whole, especially from the more fearful and hysterical people, I have come to the conclusion it's not nationality based calmness, but more a result of becoming older, and therefore more cynical and world weary. 

And with this comes a rather comfortable feeling of detachment. VAR can fuck football up and it bothers me less because my emotional investment levels drop accordingly. Anti-semitism is a sad fact of life that can nver be eliminated by the facts on the Holocaust. The UK voted for Brexit, despite the harm it might cause. The UK voted for Boris and his gang of fuckwits, despite the hypocrisy and lies of every one of them. Nothing I or any other reasonable person can say will change that. We are disarmed, powerless and nothing we can say or do changes anything. 

The perfect 'subjects'. 

And this means I don't care. I can leave The Wall in place and ignore the crap going on. I can walk my dogs. I can play walking football. I can have a few pints on a Friday and talk shit with friends. I can go to football and quell the emotions using the inevitable fuckwittery of VAR. And this couldn't care less attitude just strengthens The Wall.

Have I found and advantage to getting older?

Later Mugs, GJ

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