Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Relentless Bad News...it has to be bad for us...doesn't it?

Morning Mugs

It occurred to me this morning, whilst Google Assistant was replaying how my day was set up by telling me the news from the BBC and SKY that none of the news was good. None was positive. There was zero in there to affirm life. Nothing to give the impression that anything anywhere was actually any good. 

Has anyone ever done a thesis or study into how this relentless barrage of bad news from social media, from the radio, the press, the TV and from every conceivable angle? it has to affect people, it's like brainwashing over  long period of time. Humans are social animals and that mind infused negativity dripped into us over time must surely spread, and with that spread comes inaccuracies and exaggeration, and with that inaccuracy and exaggeration the fear grows, and toque Pink Floyd, 'and as the fear grows, the blood shows and and turns to stone'.

I'm pretty sure any study would show that negativity spread is growing, that the media and it's owners and the politicians know the best way to control, repress, oppress and bend the will of the people is by creating a culture of fear. They promote their negative perspective s concern for our safety. They tell us we need protecting from the big bad evils the world will throw at us. And only they can provide this. And collectively we fall for this. And collectively we turn the constant negativity into truths and maxims and the spread continues.

It really is a very miserable time to be alive in the UK. Yet....just a few short months ago I spent a week in Ireland. In the very south west corner on the Wild Atlantic Way and the Ring of Kerry. Everywhere we went we were met with an almost covert and subtle cheerfulness and optimistic positive outlook. From people in the fields to the bars to the shops to the museums the same cheery outlook pervaded every aspect of the break. 

I'm very tempted to chuck all this shite in and shift my life to somewhere simpler, less materialistic, where people take the chance to breathe, to talk, to sing, to dance, to shrug their shoulders to the world and say 'whatever...just leave us be...' 

Thats the life I really want.

Later Mugs, GJ

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