I've seen the odd weird notice in my time, and in fact there's a whole raft of them here
But we have one in trap 2 of the Gents on the floor where I work.
It simply says two things.
.) Please flush the toilet after use.
Fair enough because lets face it there are some dirty bastards who seem happy to leave all sorts of the digestive horrors behind in the pan. Whether this is laziness or just utter pride because their crap is such a work of art they can't bear to flush it away is a moot point. I can't ever understand why people don't flush. Is it how they're bought up? Did Mummy and Daddy actively say 'Never mind son, just leave it there .......someone else will get rid of it' ? .
Worse still are the ones where the deposit is in the pan, but there isn't any paper? What's that about? Are there really people out there who lay some cable, get up and think to themselves 'Fuck it, why wipe.....I'll let it dry and I'll chip the remnants off later'?
The next little part of the sign defies belief though. It simply says this
2.) Please lift the lid before use
As if the non-flushers aren't bad enough, do we really have people working for The Company who can't be bothered to lift the lid of the toilet before using it? And do they discriminate between lifting it for a piss and taking a dump? Or do they do not lift it for either. Does someone really walk into the loo and just piss aimlessly over the closed lid toilet happily watching the golden shower wash over the pan and falling to the floor like some sort of Ornamental Yellow Fountain but happily opens the lid if their on number two duty? And as for what happens if they're the type who pisses into the pan with the lid happily open but then decides to 'lay some cable' ....do they just shut the lid, drop the old trolleys, park themselves a decent distance above the closed seat, open the bomb bay doors and squeeze away? Are they turd sculptors? And what do they do about the wiping process? I'm trying hard not to picture someone walking into the loo and crapping ON the seat and then topping it off with a nice paper hat and coat, semi blended into their masterpiece.
Of course the last bit won't apply to the serial toilet criminal, the ones who neither flush nor lift the lid. The serial toilet criminal is also the sort of person who picks their nose and thinks the inside of the door is a viable storage facility for their nasal detritus. I'd accuse them of being the sort of prick who uses the last piece of paper so that the next unfortunate victim (we've all been there) desperate to eject the main body in bowel clinching desperation then suddenly finds they're stuck with nothing to wipe up the left overs, except as serial toilet felons or just non flushers, lack of paper isn't much of an issue in their lives.
That's why hankies and underpants are useful.
Better to sacrifice one or both than suffer the discomfort of the soiled ringpiece.
You see the sort of dilemmas that run through my mind every day. Some say life is simple, but when you see little signs such as this you know that just isn't true and that even the simplest apparent things have so many different permutations when simple protocols and rules get ignored.
Something tells me this never happens in women's toilets though.
Later, GJ
As I sit here giggling at your toilet humour - I felt the need to give my take on the sign and what it could mean....
ReplyDeleteI would imagine that they are referring to the seat part of the lid rather than the lid itself. This simple request will then entail that no urine is sprayed on the seat (cos lets face it most fellas don't aim very well) and will therefore stop the next poor sod who rushes in for a crap sitting on a seat of piss.
But then, maybe I have simplified this too much in the hope that there isn't such a bloke out there who'd take a dump on a loo-seat, especially one that would top it off with a paper hat!!! I wonder, would he also step back and applaud?
The mind boggles ;-)