Hello, are you all still there? Good, so the world didn't end today, although philosophically speaking who can categorically state it ever existed? Some Cartesian philosophy is always a good thing midweek.
Apparently kids have been panicked into thinking today is the day it all ends. The subject of the Large Hadron Collider switch on today has, if nothing else, diverted us away from the never ending gloom on the weather and economy.
What I do find amusing is that the press are quick to jump on the bandwagon with lurid tales of destruction and doom which of course to the less educated or discerning immediately become fact! Others then quickly don their hair shirts and straw sandals to whine on about what a waste of money the whole thing is and wouldn't the money have been better off spent building hospitals. I've posted enough before about the do gooders who would build a world full of good causes and never would we see such technological marvels as Concorde, The Space Shuttle or the
Channel tunnel. Sometimes we have to build the follies as a way of stretching what we know.
Any good that comes from these things may be unwitting, but surely it's better than the risk averse return to caveman world the do-gooders want. I think great discoveries have often come from experiments designed to discover or theorise on something else.
Anyway, I have my own theory. The Universe was created from the Big Bang.
The Big Bang occurred after the occupants of the previous Universe switched on their Large Hadron Collider.
The late, great Douglas Adams would have been proud.
Later GJ
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