The manifesto for my political party Liberation (TM) continues to grow. Two weeks ago I announced the Liberation (TM) Policy on Energy. This amounts to re-nationalizing Gas, Electricity and Water, re-opening Coal Mines where possible or opening new ones and subsidising the industries to make them competitive....i.e run them as public services to supply heat, warmth and clean running water and NOT for profit. We would also invest in clean coal burning technologies and carbon storage, alongside a whole raft of new Nuclear power stations (state owned and funded) to ensure we are never again dependent on anyone else totally for our energy, plus we will not be lining the fat cat shareholder pockets with ordinary peoples hard earned cash. For water we would invest in de-salination plants and every household ould be encouraged to install a "grey" water supply from these plants for washing, flushing, showering , bathing and cleaning the car and watering the garden. The normal water supplies would then only be used for drinking.
Then someone said to me that this would be expensive and might involve paying more tax. Which is true. You would pay more tax. Initially we'll tax companies more on their profits, plus we'd do away with the fiddles that allow self employed and the rich to effectively avoid tax. We'd put more tax bands in as well. Instead of the current two bands there would be 6, with band 6 at the top paying 60% and band 1 at the bottom paying 10%. Council tax would be abolished and replaced with a local sales tax like they have in America. remote areas of low population would be topped up from high population areas to ensure the "per head" spend is comparable across the UK.
Ultimately we'd look at doing away with income tax and replacing it with a goods tax which means the more expensive the item, the more you pay. Everything then bought in shops or on the internet, irrespective of where the retailer is based would be taxed ata State level and a local level at the point of the transaction. if you buy a car for £10,000 you can expect to pay substantially less than someone who buys one for £40,000. Of course, the "green" rating will also count here as well
I need to think about what I'd do with the Monarchy..but as a republican I think a nice retirement plan would be formulated. And don't give me any bollocks about that doing away with our heritage and history. Our heritage and history are already there.
Then comes the issue of crime and lawlessess. Let's not kid ourselves that things are better. Crime statistics, like any statistics can be made to lie. We all know the phrase Lies, Damned lies and Statistics. Anecdotal evidence is often dismissed but just look at the case of Gary Newlove and the impassioned statement from his widow Helen, and it's easy to realise it could be any of us. No, the answer here is a return to real coppers, like Gene Hunt. We need coppers on the beat and in the cars who can scare the living crap out of teenage gangs and adult thugs as well. They need to be able to deliver a good hiding, or a clip around the ear where necessary. They need to be able to nick people from 8 years old onwards and lock them up for a few days with the the bare minimum of food and maybe a toilet they have to slop out, like they'd have inside. No clean clothes, no washing facility and just one visit from a parent. I'd also make the parents or guardians culpable as well for the children's behaviour to the age of 18.
Then I'd only allow knives to be sold in licensed outlets to people aged 21 or over and anyone found carrying a knife that isn't in a sealed box on a public street goes away for 1 year minimum. No excuses, they will all know the law. If you're found with a gun, decommissioned or real then you're having a spell for a minimum of 5 years, again no excuses. Ignorance will not be accepted. Once inside it will be fucking hard, but I've yet to determine the details, but suffice it to say, there'll be plenty of work for ex-forces and ex-coppers. All criminals need to be scared of the consequences. They shouldn't think prison is about meeting old mates, or being fed and sheltered. Prisons should not be Universities of Crime. Punishment will mean exactly that...punishment. Hard, debilitating and painful punishment.
Oh and paedophiles guilty of actual physical abuse of children will be castrated physically on top of their jail sentence. End of story.
Lastly, the Armed forces will be funded properly and The Army and Navy particularly can look forward to some unprecedented growth to put them back on the map as well. lets put some pride back in them.
If it doesn't sound very "socialist" it's because the Champagne flavour of my socialist leanings has always been counterbalanced by a Socialist Realism that has meant not having much time for Political Correctness or for the bleeding heart, namby pamby brigade who's liberal ideas have led us to where we are now. If a copper had bought me back home my Dad would have leathered me from one end of the house to the other, and the very thought of that was enough to keep me out of anything but the most trivial and normal of teenage trouble.
Watch out for the full manifesto on the other site where the cast of my life and the rules of the GoGB reside!!
Later, El Presidente Grocerjack!
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