By 'Eck that were a big break between posts. That's because fo the madness that is Christmas and New Year in our house. is it just me, or does the bloody thing come round quicker and quicker? Anyway I spent most of it feeling dog rough with a proper dose on "man flu". Of course to others this was just a source of amusement and to my mother-out-law apparently it was all in the mind. Yeah...if blocked sinuses, mad headaches, deafness, a sore throat, aching joints and limbs and a cough so dry you could hear the chest cage cracking under the strain is something I "imagined" then perhaps she is right.
Why do people think that it's OK to berate you if you've got a virus if you're a man? Would I get any sympathy if I was 80? Doesn't the fact that I am an Asthmatic mean anything to people? Don't they realise how uncomfortable it is to be coughing so hard that you feel like you can't walk anywhere without a Ventolin inhaler permanently clasped in your hand? Don't they think how worrying it might be that one set of primary airwaves for breathing (the nostrils) are out of action due to being blocked through infection? Next time..I've a good mind to go into work, or meet people at the pub, or wherever and deliberately sit there sneezing and coughing without using a tissue, freely spraying my infected mist around the place.
This week it's the big announcement...or one of them at least .....regarding the new transformed" (not re-organized...come on get with the lingo!) High Tech Pipes, Tubes and Strings department. I started off with some bright ideas but eventually got ground down by continuous "challenges" from jumped up fuckwits with nothing better to do. Frankly I've gone past caring so all I'll do is keep my head down and concentrate on completing my last OU course leading to me BA - hopefully in October! The choice for me after that is to do another years to get the BA to a BA (Hons) but I'm not sure of my motivational levels for that yet. I think it'll be an achievement for me to just get the degree in my ....ahem....mid 40's.
Idea's for novels and plays keep hitting me, so I've decided to start writing some down to keep a record of's something I'd love to do but my question is...just how the hell do people find the time? Unless of course they're already famous writers and can do it full time, I just can't help thinking how next to impossible it would be to find the time to produce something of real quality. Unless of course you have real "talent" in which case i reckon it must be a breeze.
A quick rant about the latest round of price increases for electricity and gas. Does anyone else think that this shows the folly of privatisation? The subsequent ownership and delivery of these vital pieces of modern life are all owned (in the majority) by foreign companies, who can now all too easily hold a gun to our heads in the name of profit. Market fucking forces my arse - it's the unacceptable face of capitalism yet again spouting bullshit mantras in order to satisfy fat cat shareholders creaming obscene dividends from natural resources that WE all own and that should never be under the ownership of individual private corporations.
I tell you this...when GrocerJacks Liberation(TM) party come to power, the first thing we'll be doing is re-nationalising power, gas and water, re-opening the mines where feasible or opening new ones, building high-tech new nuclear reactors and developing wind and tide power options to make this country fully self sufficient. Future generations may not then be reliant on Russian, French and German multi-nationals to rip us off under threat of turning the "energy" taps off.
Expensive to taxpayers? Of course, but you'll pay the taxes anyway...wouldn't it better to know they are going to be used in investing in our own infrastructure rather than into the pockets of hideously rich, politically motivated, power-greedy bastards?
And I thought my socialist beliefs had gone!
Later, Grocerjack