Monday, 17 December 2007

Funny Old Week

A bit tardy on the posting front I'm afraid but that's down to a lack of time due to complete mental fuckwittery at work and to some degree at home as we prepare for the invasion that is Christmas. I mean that in the nicest sense of course as it's quite a compliment to be the host for the family, well Hellsbells family anyway. My own family , Skank and Dave , seem quite happy to do their own thing and who knows, maybe we'll meet up at some point, or maybe not. Laziness seems to be the driver here. So, the tree is up, the decorations up, the present bought and wrapped, we're now manoeuvring to the launch pad, ready for lift off at some point from Saturday onwards.

Saturday is the "locals night" at The Pub, but one fears for the numbers turning up as since the Governor jumped ship to his new pub, the fortunes of my local have severely nosedived. The former Governor left because he couldn't work for the new owners, Fullers, after they bought out the local brewery Gales. Fullers themselves used to be a smaller brewery but have long since forgotten their roots and now act like a real true corporate trampling over local culture and running the pub on a single business "one size fits all" basis. The first mistake was installing a misery guts relief couple with no concept of regulars. Then failing to refurbish the pub despite it being last done 12 years ago. The couple who took over then had to work under an environment whereby the pub was boycotted by groups such as cricket clubs and "beaters" who used to use it. A same because despite being an 'orrible Gooner the governor is a bloody decent landlord. The upshot is that he has been forced out by the brewery for under performance, so no doubt we'll get some high flying couple in there concentrating on "food" and maximising revenue streams etc without giving a shit about the regulars. Actually, that makes us regulars a bit like football fans doesn't it?

I have a "man cold" which is fucking my chest and throat up and giving me a permanent headache. It's genuine as well so go on , mock away. Perhaps this is why we get little sympathy.

Man Cold Video

Arsenal beat my beloved Chelsea yesterday, but to be honest after they got rid of the best coach in the world in September it has hardly come as a surpise that we are now struggling to beat the big boys. It seems the press have got what they wanted, the Man Utd/Arsenal duopoly. You can almost taste the relief in the papers now that the interlopers of Chelsea have no great relevance.

Lastly - todays song in my head is

Lynsey de Paul and "Sugar Me" - I've seen the consultant and am administering a strong dose of The Pogues in order to eradicate it.

Later, GrocerJack

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