Des Browne made a mistake when he allowed the captured sailors and marines to sell their stories on their return to the UK. I agree this might be a bit crass, but frankly I don't have an issue with them making a few quid after getting caught when operating under the orders of "superior" officers. Accepting that my view is in the minority I still don't understand why we have to have the clamour for his resignation? This kind of cheap point scoring politics is exactly the sort of bollocks that distances the puffed up ego of Parliament from the proletariat and the dare I say it, "Bourgeousie" that have to live every day in The Land of Dope and Moron.
In every walk of life people fuck up. The get it wrong. They visit the mystery land of Cockup more often than they'd wish. After all THEY ARE HUMAN. But do they have to resign from their jobs? Is this what society now demands. Make a fuck up and go? A race of automaton like humans who never ever get it wrong? How the hell do you ever learn then? Isn't it a staple fact of our lives that the best lessons learned are often the most painful. In any civilised society shouldn't we be engendering a culture of forgiveness, especially for those who hold their hands up and recognize their error. . And for those who walk amongst us, blessed by the alleged love of an alleged God, don't their religions preach this very forgiveness ethos?
Actually, scrub that last bit. Fundamental God-ism is twisted by the human devotee into a means of oppressing the masses in order to ensure people live to their own twisted and anal ideals.
Anyway, back to Des. Des...mate......fuck 'em. Fuck the Tories, fuck the Lib Dems, fuck the TV companies and most of all fuck the lowlife scumbags of the tabloid hysteria-inducing press (The Sun, The Daily Facist and The Daily Lunatic being the main culprits) who are driving this issue in order to shift print during what is a slow news period. You made a mistake and have publicly apologised and that should be good enough for anyone.
Later, Grocerjack