Wednesday, 4 October 2006


Its been a very busy week stop nagging! Oh, and I'm away on the Jolly Boys Annual Golf Holiday in Cornwall next week, so expect a few less brain cells to return.

Things to worry me.....

I quite like everything David Cameron says

I don't much like anything Gordon Brown says

God help us if John Reid gets the job...and apart from anything else why are the apparent key candidates Scottish? Are there no capable English out there?

How can the Amish community so tragically affected by yet another gun toting American homeboy lunatic be so forgiving? One of them actually said "its all part of Gods plan"....well then God's a fucking twat then.

Vicious dog owners. In my view, and after my experience the other week, let them keep the dogs, but force them to pay for a licence, say £1000 per year, and legislate to have all the dogs chipped for location purposes. Either that or put them down......and perhaps the dogs as well.

Electronic chips in rubbish bins as a precursor to "charging mechanisms" being used by Councils. Here's my call for civil disobedience then. Everybody should refuse to comply with this on the basis that I PAY MY FUCKING COUNCIL TAX FOR THEM TO COLLECT MY FUCKING RUBBISH. Sponging useless scumbags. In fact get rid of local fucking councils altogether and save me £1600 a year.

George Michael getting caned on being a massively talented multi-millionaire is a problem is it? Yeah...course it is. Stop being a prick George and lighten up. You just need a good shag with a good woman. Go know you want to....

Thats it for now, maybe more later.

Later, BusyBusybusyJack

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