Some might think it's sick, but I'll post this in the spirit of typically British gallows humour. The reference to Stingray will give away my age, and that of anyone who remembers the programme of course. To be honest I quite liked the guy for his fearlessness and his undoubted boyish enthusiasm.
To put his fearlessness into context...last night I was almost attacked by a bloody great Rottweiler whilst out cycling with BigSykes - the bastard dog itself was the size of a large pig, and probably as heavy, with dripping slobber (no doubt at the thought of a juicy thigh to eat) very visible shapr teeth and centimetres from biting BigSykes...and this was on a public road. I'm sure Steve Irwin would have just walked up to it, made a few Crocodile Dundee noises and reduced it to a simpering puppy.
We just sat motionless until it quitened down a bit , reversed very slowly down the road, turned round and then took another route. I may report it to the Police because although there was a farm alongside which presumably owned the shitbag hound, it wasn't on a leash, nor was there anyone around to control it. Had I been with Baby, or had anyone else been walking there dog with a child God knows what might have ensued.
I've half a mind to drive up there tonight and if its loose give it a gentle tap on the head at 50mph with my car. If the owner wants to make something of it........I'll just shrug and say it ran out in front of me and that had it been restrained that wouldn't have happened.
Later, CowardlyJack
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