What a complete prick this Clive Wolfendale is. Apparently he's some sort of Deputy Chief Constable for North Wales or some such place. When will these people learn that flying the flag of your chosen country is NOT fucking racist unless accompanied by Combat 18/BNP tossers chanting "Blacks Out" or similar? Or if the flag is draped with other blatantly obvious racist slogans.
Unless I'm mistaken, the largest part of the UK (area and population wise) , England, has qualified for the Football World Cup and is the sole representative of the UK. Thats tough for those English haters but hey, life is tough and they just better get used to the fact that in football terms England has been, and probably always will be the most successful nation from the UK.
The English people contribute more to this nations wealth than the others do COMBINED. We (the English) subsidise their education and their health and a whole raft of other economic and socio-political areas of their lives ,whilst they get their own parliaments, with their own votes on their own issues and are encouraged to celebrate their own disitnctive cultures. The minute The English try the same thing, the PC/Bleeding Heart wankers that infest our society come out collectively wringing their sorry hands to denigrate this and to try and make people like me feel guilty for a colonial imperialist past I had fuck all to do with. Blame the father for their sins not their sons. If there's any wringing to be done its normal people who should be wringing the necks of the PC Bollocks brigade.
In my experience the English "culture" has been washed away over the years by PC Bollocks and his ilk. Yes, we're a diverse multi-cultural society and the richer for that (mostly), but underneath Englishness still seems to be treated as the UK's dirtly little secret. Something to be locked away and hidden and not discussed for fear of inciting poor sensitive Scots/Welsh and Northern Irish.
Lets get this straight....England is part of the UK as much as any of the others , but constitutionally is not treated on anywhere near an equal footing. That needs to change or else its just plain discrimination against the English people and that will lead to further disgruntlement and in fact plays right into the hands of the BNP and the far right. Whenever I've been to Wales or Scotland (NI is still an aspiration) I am incessantly subjected to their Welshness or Scottishness from the moment I cross the border, be it with Welsh dragons and leek symbols, or various tartan decorated signs or whatever. I like this , and welcome it and have no reason to resent it. I certainly don't see it as racist, and consequently English or Welsh people flying the flag in Wales isn't racist either. No doubt some racist knobbers somewhere are trying to capitalise on this, but this is probably the only single example of the English proactively and positively reclaiming something that was hijacked by xenophobic bigoted twats.
Clive Wolfendale and his gang of PC cronies should shut the fuck up and wind their collective (as yet unwrung) necks in and allow people to celebrate what could be a great achievement in peace and without any implied or associated guilt.
Later AnglaisJacque
Here Here, well said!!!