GMD, Teenager and Baby have all buggered off for the week to The Money Pit. They've been joined by MiddleSis and her brood and LittleSis and her nipper as well. 3 adults, 6 kids. Can you see why I didn't go?
But whats strange is how I thought it would be nice to have a week to myself but in fact it turns out to be rather an insular feeling. At first Friday (the day they left) was a real novelty. Able to do what I wanted, when I wanted it and even if I wanted to do nothing I didn't feel guilty. However, 4 days in the truth is it's now a little too quiet for me. Something about an empty big house just doesn't feel quite right. And there's only so many DVD's you can catch up on! So my weekend consisted of drinking, golf, more drinking and more golf alongside some movie catching up.
Meet The Fockers - utter rubbish
The Butterfly Effect - compelling and a good twist on time travel. Bleak ending I thought.
Fahrenheit 9/11 - thought provoking and a confirmation of just about everything I thought about Bush, Blair and our whole realtionship with the Middle East. They must hate Michael Moore in the US.
Sin City - at first I thought it was rubbish but eventually cottoned onto the "cartoonish " nature of what was being attempted. In the end I thought it was a rollicking good violent romp and its pseudo- cartoonish style made it a very interesting and ultimately quite challenging and rewarding experience.
Anyway, at least someone's getting their moneys worth from The Money Pit. Apparently the weather in the South of France has been unbroken sunshine and blue skies.
I wonder if we'll see any good weather this year. It just doesn't feel like it's verging on Summer does it?
Later, GrocerJack
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