Lazy Git? Moi?
And thats why the posts have been a bit thin on the ground since my return. Nothing has annoyed me or interested me enough to deem it worthwhile writing about. See the pic? That's just about how I feel toward everything at the moment, particularly the Dungeon of Dullness that is work . Every day is filled with utter banality and crap.
If I took drugs then life at work would currently be a drug induced collage of utterly fucked up bollocks.
So, things to force out a comment on
1.) Charles Clarke and the freed prisoners: What a complete knob this bloke is. Forget Blunketts misdemeanours, this bloke is a complete arrogant imbecile. Perfect for this Nanny Government then I suppose.
2.) NHS crisis. The NHS has more money than ever as promised and for once delivered by the Nanny Government. Patient lists are increasing but waiting times are falling. And then the admin numpties overspend their budget and jobs are lost. How is that the Nanny Governments fault? They give more, someone else spends more. Sad fact of life that it is the NHS would be a bottomless pit for money and all the GDP of the UK would never satisfy its hunger for cash. The problem is simple, recruit people from real businesses who know how to manage budgets and sack the idiots who have overspent and caused the crisis.
3.) Liverpool beating Chelsea. Bastards.
4.) A Brazilian for England! At first I thought this meant some serious pubic topiary for the country under some sort of Nanny Government Nether Regions Development Scheme. But no, of course its the apparent fact that thanks to the Chairman of the only non-English club in the Premiership, Arse FC, we are now to be saddled with a manager whose English is as good as my French. What a bunch of Arse (the real kind). And what a damning indictment of the most corrupt and inefficient organisation, the FA, that runs our beautiful game that we aaparently don't have anyone of our own nationality capable of doing the job. Even a cumbersome dinosaur like Lambeth Council could do better. Hell, even the Nanny Government might make a better fist of it.......
5.) ......nah, in light of their green light to the Russians to control the production and delivery of one of our most vital energy sources by allowing a bid for Craptica, the owners of British Gas, the Nanny Government shouldn't be trusted to run a bath on its own. Can anyone else see where this might end up? Maybe the proverbial gun being held to our heads one day.? Don't forget that no gas means no electricity because a large number of our power stations are fired by gas, which also means no food production, no oil production, nothing. Now, if you had a plan to restore yourself as a Superpower, what's the better way. Military War or Financial War. Ask the US what made them the worlds (current) only Superpower!
6.) Doctor Who (series 2, or 27 depending on your level of pedantism) - another fillip for the BBC with the second series very much following on from where the last one finished. The BBC seems to have cracked the former issue of not hiring very good actors to fill the part of The Doctor (Colin Baker, Sly McCoy anyone?), whereas David tennant seems to have encapsulated some of the eccentricities of former Doctors whilst bringing new facets to the role. Two episodes in, one quite brave and the other quite scary, especially I imagine for young children. The Werewolf transformation scene was as good as the Gas Mask transformation from last years Empty Child/Doctor Dances two parter. So far so good, lets hope the BBC and the saviour of Doctor Who , Russell T Davies keep raising the bar.
7.) Fuel prices - ridiculous as we know. At what point does the economy get affected by people not being able to afford to drive to work? Say what you like about the French, but they'd be on the streets now on strike or on massive displays of civil disobedience. Of course, we don't do that do we? No, we just grease our arses ready for next shafting. How spineless. How sad.
8.) John Prescott having an affair - hmmmm, who cares about his infidelity. People have affairs, shit happens, get over it. No, whats more interesting about this is how the woman, Tracey Temple could even consider sleeping with WalrusMan. I mean come on, he really did fall out of the Ugly Tree and hit everyone branch on the way down. Or in other words he has a face like a box of fireworks has exploded in it and someone put out the fire with a shovel.
Oh yeah...of course...she loved him....of course she did. No career ladder climbing involved then?
Toodlepip, GrocerJack
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