It's only a little lighter. A chance lunch with my former right hand man Mr Argumentative has led to a discovery of mutual dissatisfaction and a very preliminary investigation into other options we may wish to pursue.
Also, last night whilst GMD and LittleSis prattled away over a bottle or two of Vin rouge I spent the night surfing the information highway and uncovered this little gem of a site called TV-ARK. If you want to wallow in a visit down memory lane the click the link and have a look around. Fantastic quiz material by the bucketload, and also a chance to invoke memories (of better days?) by the simple act of playing back opening titles to kids programmes and loads of others. Its funny how such a small thing can lift the mood so apparently dispropotionately, but perhaps when you're in a trough you notice extremes a bit more, and are more likely to apportion greater solace to "the small pleasures". I wish I still smoked.
Yes, it's a bit of an anorak site, but all the same it felt like a little gem last night. And very odd that the Thames TV ident bought a lump to the throat. As did the revelation that I remember the Associated Rediffusion branding and ident and the ATV London ones, which were the predecessors to Thames/London Weekend, way before carlton got their grubby hands on the service. In other words pre-1968 (when Associated Rediffusion/ATV London lost the franchise). The kids programmes are also very interesting. I mean the theme tune to Animal Magic is always a reminder of dull Thursday afternoons when it was LITERALLY all that was on, and even at 8 or 9 years old I thought "what a load of shit" (well poo was probably the word). And was The Woodentops theme really that sombre and dull?
Anyway, have a visit, it is definitely worth a look.
If you're as sad as me.
Later, GreyJack
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