Stop moaning
After reading a few blogs and articles in the papers it seems some people are questioning the value of the Live 8 concert in Hyde Park etc on July 2nd. Some are saying it won't sort out world poverty, some are saying it's just self publicity for the acts involved, some say that the effort would better used in pressurising governments. I've yet to hear Sir Bob of Geldof actually claim this would be the result, but there is no single act that will sort out the situation afflicting the third world. Farming needs investment, industry needs to develop whilst appeasing the environmentalists and of course the climate needs to change to remove it's contribution to drought and famine as well. I'd argue the single biggest thing Africs could do to sort it's issues as a continent out is to rid itself of despotic, egocentric, self-important, bullying, murdering thug dictators and adopt a democratic model everywhere. They could start by ridding the world of Cunt-Face Robert Mugabe. Christ if anyone needs the "Iraq" treatment it's him, but of course he doesn't have a lake of oil under his land that we know of. We can turn a blind eye to ill educated black farmers ignorant of what is required to make the land productive again having snatched it from White farmers who had up until then made a decent fist of feeding Zimbabwe and...........stop Jack before you get too angry. No doubt someone will say that was racist which it WASN'T! But you get my drift. Africa has problems that can be solved internally and with external help, and if this concert raises awareness just in 1/100th of the worlds current blase population then surely it's worth doing.
Sir Bob isn't claiming that this will be the panacea for Africa's ills. But what the fuck is wrong with having a big fuck off concert in the summer to help highlight the cause and give people something to remember and enjoy? Why all the bleeding heart/hand-wringing stuff over the rights or wrongs of it? Why are people objecting to this? For fucks sake, go out, buy the Live Aid DVD, get a few beers and enjoy yourselves and see just how unifying that experience was for those there and those who watched at home/in the pub. A note for the cynics - take the plugs out of your arses and let your fucking hair down for once.
Oh yeah, and just because it isn't full of indie bands, world music bands or hiphop/dance/garage etc doesn't mean it isn't cool. I kind of thought the acts crossed all spectrums, or is "live" music the sole preserve of the young, groovy rave-going /ecstasy crazed generation. A few of us old fuckers can still show the "yoof" a thing or two about enjoying a gig, and having a social conscience. After all Sir Bob is my generation and we actually got off our arses and did something with Live Aid whilst having a good time , which is more than anybody before or since ever did! Some people might think we should all be wearing sandals and hair shirts in order to show our solidarity with the poor, but get real, life ain't like that and it never will be.
Oh yeah, if Sir Bob were running for PM, I'd fucking vote for him!
Later, GrocerJack
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