Thursday, 19 May 2005

Death is too good.....

....for the evil, vindictive, sadistic, greedy, immoral fuckers who devised the "Crazy Frog" ringtone and then decided to advertise it at every opportunity on every channel. And now what? Yep, the fickers have jazzed it up by mixing it with the theme from Beverly Hills Cop. Cunts. Furthermore, the two "cute" little chicks ringtone is just as pernicious and annoying. Undoubtedly these wankers who are devising and marketing this craze have no compassion or soul or morals. I want to stamp on the crazy fucking frog and shoot the "cute" chicks from the sky. In fact if ever there was an advert for more battery farmed eggs then these little shits are it.

When will people learn that crazy is a euphemism for "sad and lonely", and cute is a euphemism for "mentally retarded".

Except when "cute" is applied to Jennifer Aniston's arse.

And "crazy" is applied to Boris Johnson.

Later, GrocerJack

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