Wednesday, 15 December 2004


Justice is done. The police (who have never been my most favourite of people at times) who shot this lunatic, who had held a" gun shaped lighter" to another mans head, are acquitted of any wrong doing. Hear hear. This bloke stolls around with this lighter, and believe me it looks exactly like a real gun, holds it to a mans head whilst challenging police, and then points the "gun" at them and then gets shot 4 times. His family say this is outrageous, but what were the police supposed to do? They have to make snap decisions and in this case the guy was carrying a fake. It also seems he was a former "psychiatruc patient" which in some seems relevant in excusing his actions. Sorry, but what do the police do, wait until he's identified and his medical records are checked? Or let a potential armed person shoot someone. What if he had been a real gunman? What if the police had not taken any action and innocent people had died? Of course, the toad anti-police, anti-law lawyer Imran Khan would probably be lining his overflowing coffers with cash from the victims of that crime, no doubt claiming "police negligence". This bloke might have been innocent, but he was wielding a very realistic looking fake gun, and sometime instant decisions are made which are wrong. We shouldn't be looking to hound people for genuine errors of judgement. We're all human and capable of that after all.

Talking of being hounded, I see that David Blunkett has finally resigned. Thats a shame in my view because this bloke seemed a genuinely committed Home Secretary, with extraordinary intelligence. He might have made an error of judgement in moral terms by falling in love with a married woman, presumably old enough to make her own adult decisions (as I have stated before), although I doubt anyone alive doesn't have some moral skeletons rattling in their cupboard somewhere .....yeah, go on have a think about that! No, he has been hounded by the merciless right wing fuckwits of the Great British press, along with the Dirty Digger's broadcasting empire.

They wanted their pound of flesh and nothing would stop them getting it in order to shift a little more of their vitriolic, bile ridden, poisonous, pompous, moralistic, hypocritical and vile little scum journals.

And of course lets not forget Her Majesty's Honourable (sic) Opposition who have bayed like a pack of starving rabid wolves day after day to claim the scalp of a genuine and honest HARD WORKING man. A man who has overcome disability and prejudice to get where he was. A man who has tried to be progressive in his role. I can hear the sound of David davies stiffened member slapping against his stomach as he wanks himself in to a frenzy over his great media whore knobber victory. That's assuming he can still raise more than an eyebrow.

It just serves to remind me what a vulgar, vengeful, vindictive place Great Britain (hmm, ironic name for a country that) still remains at times. A country where innocent until proven guilty no longer applies. A country where the press and broadcast media decide the truth, and the sad, mindless, gormless Chavs and wannabee middle classes follow along sucking the media cock of lies and damned lies and choking on it's ejaculated venom. A country where political debate about real issues is reduced to the yah-boo-sucks level of a bunch of pompous sad wankers yelling and hissing at each other in the "mother of all parliaments". What type of mother is that....Vicky Pollard?

How fucking stupid some people are.

Later, GrocerJack

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