Monday, 10 June 2019

In memoriam....

Morning Mugs

Well, far be it from me to be cliche ridden or stereotypical...but bloody hell hasn't June been a stinker of a month thus far? June 1st was a lovely warm sunny day. Since then it seems to have been unrelenting shite with one day last week where I was convinced it was February. Today, the 10th,  it is currently 12 degrees outside, dull grey skies and RAIN. Constant unrelenting rain. 

A note to all weather people here. if I get wet through from front door to pavement, then not is NOT drizzle. If it rains non-stop for more than an hour, or like today since I got up at 7.....this is NOT FUCKING is RAIN. Got it? RAIN!!! It annoys the crap out of me when smiling weatherman/lady points to a screen and says 'showers here'....when I know its been constant for 3 hours. 

Anyway, I question here is this....all of you Mugs that did nothing but moan about the heatwave last year...are you happy with this shite? Are you really that miserable that you think cold and rain is better than sun and heat? 

People book weddings for the summer's generally nicer to get married on a sunny warm day. When it's sunny and warm, people smile more. People are generally happier. Pubs are fuller. The mood of the populous lifts on a summers day. Remember how lovely watching World Cup matches was last year? Pub gardens open with people drinking happily. Public spaces showing games in big screens to people in shorts and flip flops. Blimey if that was this June, they'd need Parka's and wellies.

So my message to those of you who prefer this crap weather to the heatwave is simple. You miserable, joyless , doom-laden fuckwits. You're probably all far bright brexiteers as well. 

Later Mugs, GJ