Monday, 26 January 2009


My apologies for the extended Jack slumber, but the usual post Christmas lethargy has taken time to shake off this year and it does appear that my motivation levels for doing anything have dropped off.

It must be an age thing.

Anyway, to kick off the new Jack 'season' here are some thoughts....

1.) I have had a rotten rasping dry cough for a week now. Despite chucking every over the counter medicine down my throat I am still exiled to the spare room to prevent sleepless nights for Hellsbells. Pie has slipped into my place. Its the sort of cough that like a vindictive evil spirit taunts you during the day and then night decides to play havoc. Every time the eyes twitch as sleep approaches, in comes this vicious evil spirit and sets off a coughing bout that would be a great advert for not smoking. I sound like an 80 a day Woodbines person. At what point do you decide to go to the Doctors these days? It seems I'm there every 3 weeks at the moment what with various aches and pains, blood pressure checks, asthma checks, flu jabs and crap illnesses like this damn cough. Which I might add is ripping my throat apart as well. At what point does my Doctor start to think I'm stalking him?

2.) BBC's refusal to show an appeal for Gaza victims...........I tend to agree with them on this, but it does apepar they're damned if they do and damned if they don't. With the multiple guns of the press pointing at them all the time looking for any type of controversy is it any wonder they're playing it safe?

3.) I got the TV! It's a beauty - a 46" Samsung monster. It took a lot of work to persaude Hellsbells of the virtues but I think deep down even she sees the adavntage of it. I watched the Indiana Jones latest the other night on it and combined with the Home Cinema system it was as close to being at the cinema as possible. The sound was awesome, but the picture was so good I'd swear it was almost 3D at times. Oh, the joy of being able to watch without wearing my glasses........

I had written so much more but fucking Blogger has fucking lost it. Fucking pile of shite..........