Notes on a few things.........
Jailing Terrorists
So MI5 are alleged to have missed vital clues that might have prevented the 7/7 bombs from going off are they? It seems to me that this occurred at a time when the UK was just getting used to the idea that terrorism on our mainland was restricted to Animal Rights madmen as the threat from the iRA had declined somewhat. Even if MI5 had the resource to follow up and further investigate the actions of the bombers it is quite likely someone else would have got through. The fact is , MI5, like the Police, like the NHS, like the Armed Forces will always be under-funded and under-resourced. Its the way of all public services, in the past, now and in the future. In fact it might be Organizational "law" as most private business are always seeking to cut costs whilst paradoxically improving service. It rarely happens.
MI5 did however do enough to get 5 potential terrorists banged up yesterday and that is good. I'm sure they're not perfect and who really doubts that these utter cunts (sorry no apologies) who parade as Islamic Fundamentalists will strike again. All MI5 and the supporting services can do is their best.
I, for one, am grateful these wankers are going away for life. I hope they get life as well. A rotten life of beatings and deeply unpleasant sexual abuse. I hope thye get fed bacon, pork and they're food is doused in pig fat. They don't eve deserve that, but whilst they're away I hope the old lags make their lives worse than if they'd died.
Young Drivers
News reaches me today of another near fatality in our village. A girl of 17 now lies in an induced coma after being hit head on by someone on the wrong side of the road. This barely 3 weeks after a young 16 year old lad died after the car his mate was driving lost the road on a bend and hit a tree head on. I'm not sure of the full circumstances of either crash, except both involved young drivers. I'm not daft, I was young once and I look back in complete horror at my ignorance and bravado. Driving home from the pub after a skinful? Yep done it. Racing mates in their cars? Yep, done that too. Burnt the tyres to show off? Yep. All of which is to my eternal shame. But that's what a lot of young blokes are like. In my day it was harder to afford a decent car, let alone insure it. The best I could afford as I started was a Vauxhall Viva (as pictured). It was a ripped off joke from Jasper Carrott that the Viva couldn't go fast enough to kill anything, which was of course wrong. But the style and engine size hardly encouraged speeding. But it was a slow lumbering beast of a car, and my version, the 1.3L was so bad it barely made it up a decent hill.
But that's what's needed today. New drivers, and those under the age of 25 should be forced to drive "governed" cars. These cars might have a top speed of 40 and be banned from Motorways. They could be of any make as long as they are governed. It could be a bi-annual check that's obligatory as well, so any budding mechanic would have to remove the "governor" and add it back. Or it could be made tamper-prood using seals. it wouldn't be 100% but maybe it could cut down on some of the needless deaths caused by the younger persons sense of immortality and bravado. Either that or raise the minimum age to 25.
Tony Blair
Just fucking go, you're a dead duck and you're presence merely hinders any change of policy on Iraq. Let Gordon Brown take over and then let the country decide who the next PM is going to be. if Gordon wants respect then he needs to change to government policy on "nanny-stateism" for one, and remove the continual knee-jerk "bring in a new law" mentality for the slightest and most trivial things that people moan about. Oh, maybe shut the constant stream of "information" telling us that everything we do or eat seems to be bad for us in some way. Sometimes ignorance really is bliss.
And finally.....good luck to Chelsea tonight. I am reviewing the game for The Chelsea Blog and after this weekend it would be nice to write something good!
Later, Grocerjack