I'm easily amused and so when I received this I had to post it. fantastic, and don'y you just wish you could do this outside your house?
Later, GrocerJack
And balanced on the biggest wave you head towards an early grave
Once upon a time, a guy asked a girl "Will you marry me?"
The girl said, "no!"
And the guy lived happily ever after and went fishing and hunting and
played golf, he went to football a lot and drank beer, watched porn whenever he liked, left the toilet seat up and farted whenever he wanted, played computer games until the early hours and played his music as loud as he liked whenever he liked.
The End
Later, GrocerJack
No, almost a year on and the whole world it seems is in an alliance of hatred against the “Nouveau Riche” of West London that is our beloved Chelsea. A team that has never been much more than “occasional achievers” but for whom a stroke of luck and wise counsel saw them bought by a multi-billionaire who sorted all their financial issues out and allowed the huge throng of loyal fans to live the dream. And it was no more typified than through the media view of last night. I appreciate some fans of other clubs wanted Chelsea to win, but in essence the message was “we hope Barca thrash you”. This also occurred within both the press and broadcast media, both of whom have turned on the club like a King Cobra who's tail has been stood on. In recent times we have been pilloried for having dangerous players, diving players, an arrogant manager, an even more arrogant Chief Executive, playing boring football, dominating the Premiership (what after 1 season?) and turning our pitch into a Paddy field to solve some sort of West London Bistro rice shortage crisis.
But never in my wildest dreams did I ever think a footballing authority would try and sanction a covert campaign to remove us from their primary flagship competition. But it seem that UEFA feel that is exactly what is required. And the scariest thing for all you non-blues is I think this may even extend to the members of ROTTER. How else do you explain the rash of sendings off that seem to accompany very game we play against the alleged footballing aristocracy of Europe. Every game we have played against Barca has seen a player from our side sent off, maybe not in both legs but in at least one. To my memory Babayaro saw red a few years ago when we went out to them over two legs, then last year Drogba went off for a challenge that might have damaged someone with sugar glass for bones but no-one else, and then last night Del Horno goes off for being a clumsy bastard. Now I don't think too much of Del Horno. I think he is well short of being a world class left back, at least when he plays for us. Wayne Bridge, currently enjoying a rich run of form for Fulham should have been given the chance to restore his place as first choice. Billy also plays in that position as if he was born there. Glen Johnson did a passable job there against Colchester and Ferreira can fill the spot for a short while. However, irrespective of my personal feelings about Del Horno that challenge was no more than a yellow card offence. But prior to this the writing was on the wall as the referee gave decision after decision to Barcelona culminating in the red card for Del Horno. It was a bloody disgrace and in any other league or competition that would have been worthy of a rebuke from his employers. But not if they are UEFA. UEFA are omnipotent (or is that just impotent) when it comes to ruling European football with a pwer that FIFA doesn't even enjoy worldwide.
Look at the decision, both players went down, both making a right Paella (as in latin meal) of the alleged challenge. Messi then went through his version of the Green Cross Code as he looked left, looked right and looked left again before realising he'd been been hit by a depleted uranium tipped bullet fresh from the barrels of the gun on Roman Abramovich's circling Apache-AH64 Gunship. I've asked Tufty to renew his club membership for him and a letter of commendation from The Green Cross Code Man is on its way. Del Horno hit the deck screaming as if someone had just let off a capsule of Sarin nerve gas under his nose. Both, it's safe to say, overreacted. Both should have got a yellow card. But wait.....can you hear the bugle call in the distance...........yes here comes comes the cavalry in the form of a gang of upright walking humanoid lemons..........oh sorry its their “away” shirts..... I meant Barcelona players outraged by this assassination attempt. They heckled the ref, they pleaded for justice, they acted like it was market day in Old Jerusalem when a sale was on, but it made no odds because at the back of the ref's mind the mantra of the UEFA “Chelsea” decree was strongly to the fore....the mantra that states....
“It shall be the responsibility of any paid UEFA official to bias any appropriate decision as may favour any team in the G14 that play Chelsea in any UEFA sponsored competition, in order to benefit said G14 member and put these chavvy upstarts in their place until they learn some bloody manners”
Of course thats not written anywhere, but how can I not be convinced this is not the case. Somewhere, sometime the cabal of “big clubs” got together and rejected our bid to join them. Why? Because we hadn't done our time. We hadn't followed their traditional route to historical glory by winning things with players sired only from the local communities. We had soiled their honourable competitions and leagues with filthy lucre. We are the Richard De Vere against their Audrey Fforbes Hamilton, the Richard Branson to their Duke of Westminster and the Bill Gates to their Sultan of Dubai. And at this meeting they decided to pressurise the government in the form of UEFA into supporting their interests to prevent the Oiks from upsetting the natural order of football hierarchy. And lo, UEFA listened because they knew the power of the money these clubs had, and they feared upsetting them. For UEFA it was easy to put measures in place to teach us a lesson. We are like the working class family that wins the lottery and moves into the mock Tudor gated estate of 10 bedroomed detached houses with in and out gravel drives and a swimming pool in the garden. We're not wanted and for some never will be. I hope we shove it up their arses at some point and crush everyone before us. I really do. I hope we are the catalyst for the reform or abolition of UEFA in favour of something more....democratic......and less corrupt. TV Companies anyone? Put them together with some business brains and some old footballers (Sir Trev for example) and do something new, something that favours the players and the fans, as well as their own business interests. Something that destroys petty bureaucracy and officialdom.
Well it couldn't be worse than now could it?
Lastly the game itself. Barcelona are a great team with great players which shames their diving and histrionics even more. They are more than capable of beating virtually any team on talent alone so why habitually cheat? Our boys were heroic with the exception of Del Horno who had been run ragged prior to the sending off and must surely now be looked at in terms of bench warmer rather than regular starter. John Terry was utterly magnificent last night and if Sven was watching then he should be asking himself what else could he ever ask for in an England captain? The man is a born leader the likes of Gerrard, Beckham and Owen can only dream of being. Joe Cole was substituted but looked to be the player who could cause them problems, Deco doesn't even come close to Joe. Another concern is again over Cech who had he been on his line for goal number one could have mad a clean catch, and for goal number got caught between two minds and picked neither instead of challenging Eto'o for the ball. Maybe Carlo should be given a little run. Other than that I think we played out of our skins with ten men and but for two basic defending and goalkeeping errors could have kept the one goal lead or at least held them to a draw. As it is we have a mountain to climb to score at least 2 in the Camp Nou or win 3-2. I know we did it last year but that was at home and maybe this year we should just look to a League and Cup double to at least prove the English supremacy crap we take all the time.
Later, ChelseaJack .
I will now move onto another issue whereby PC Bollocks has been present in his patrol around
Smoking. It’s shit isn’t it?
It’s smelly, offensive, anti-social and above all it’s bad for you.
I used to smoke until about 4 years ago. I smoked from the aged of 14 until I was 40. 26 years of veering between periods of occasional smoker to chain smoker, from Marlboro to Silk Cut to roll ups, with a cigar flirtation in the middle somewhere and the occasional ....ahem....joint. When I gave up I vowed not to become an evangelical non-smoker. I vowed not to bitch at those who smoked. I said I would not go on and on about how horrible it was, and how much better food tasted (my post-quitting waistline already implies that), and how nice my clothes smelt etc etc.
But things change. I hate people smoking near me. It triggers my asthma which has virtually disappeared since quitting. It triggers Teenagers asthma when people smoke near her. I don’t want smoking IN my house but GMD is the first to break that rule when she has a drink and decides to smoke (she is only at best a social smoker, but just like I used to be an "occasional" smoker the smoking rate increases when she’s having a drink). So in essence the ban is a good thing in my view. My pub will become a cleaner nicer place to go for a drink with or without the family. Just like I despise smokers lighting up near me when eating, i despise the atmosphere of a smoke filled pub. In the future i will be able to stand in my local and breathe freely knowing my lungs aren’t being infested with 3500 carcinogenic chemicals, and that my clothes will still smell Lenor fresh when I get in. The Governor has even planned a gazebo area in the garden for the committed smokers, and like any other reasonable Governor he is planning a patio heater in order to make it a tad more comfortable in winter.
However, for the PC Bollocks brigade this isn’t good enough. No, they not only want the ban but are rumbling away about banning patio heaters on the grounds that they ruin the environment! Well, in this case I stand by the smokers. If we, the anti-smoking brigade, are to have our way then surely a compromise is required. Yes, let them smoke outside or in a separate room. Let them choke themselves to death if they want, but for fucks sake at least try and let them do it comfortably. You’ve won on one hand and now you want to further stigmatize them by telling them to freeze whilst chugging on their lung torpedos? Well my PC environmentally friendly hair shirt and sandal wearing twats, I hope you lose this one. I hope more people buy more patio heaters. I hope they put some alongside the runways at Heathrow for the plane spotters to watch more and more kerosene fuelled jet engines fly people around the world for the price of a packet of Nobby’s Nuts. I hope pubs across the country are festooned with the bloody things. Hell, I might just spark mine up tonight whilst I’m out so that I’m heating the air for no good purpose. Unless you plug the world’s volcanoes and natural emissions then all of this is a drop in the proverbial ocean.
I have a message for PC Bollocks and gang - Stop looking for good causes with which to batter ordinary people struggling to get by with. Live your life how you want and fucking leave the rest to live theirs. Stop funding research into utterly crap issues and stop dictating to us on the how we should live, die, bring our children up, what we should watch on TV, what we should read, how we should travel, what we should wear in the sun, what we should eat, how we should eat it, where we should buy it from, what we should buy etc etc when in actual fact, although our world is not perfect, we’ve done pretty fucking OK so far.
Later, GrocerJack.
Remember a few months ago when I was being plagued by “the song in my head”? Well, it’s still going on. It’s still a daily occurrence. To recap for those who don’t remember or who have not long been reading this drivel the essence of the situation was that every morning I wake up to the dulcet tones of Radio 5 Live, a speech based rolling News and Sport station. It doesn’t play music which is why I choose to wake up to it. I have reached an age where I wish to be talked to in the mornings, not sung at, or have someone else’s idea of what constitutes appropriate music to start the day thrown at me. I’ve also reached or gone past the age where I want to be amused as I prise open my eyelids and drag this increasingly worn out body from the uterine warmth and comfort of my lovely king size bed. I certainly don’t want the inane and moronic mantra of the early morning DJ’s of the “local radio” music stations pushing their extremely safe bland housewife humour or the extreme moronic “zoo” radio bollocks so heavily relied on by “nationals” such as Virgin, XFM, or the totally shambolic shite from Radio 1 with FatBoy Cretin and his gang. This is doubly so during the dark, depressing winter months where the days consist of waking up in the dark, which has to be truly unnatural for humans, and then travelling to and from work in the dark having sat in an office lit mainly by unnatural lighting all day. I have a feeling Koala bears are slow moving sluggish creatures for good reasons if my winter days energy levels are anything to go by. Anyway having avoided all music for the first hour of the day I still don’t understand how these songs invade my head every day. Yet somehow every morning a tune will invade the neural pathways of my brain, jumping from neuron to neuron like some hideous organic computer virus, ensuring that for the rest of the day I will be tortured by some cretinous rubbish song from my past. Never does the “song in my head” ever seem to be a tune I really like, with only very rare exceptions. And no matter how I try I can’t understand the source of this chronic brain infection. I don’t listen to music in the mornings, and if I do, for example when driving in alone, then I only listen to CD’s containing stuff I REALLY like! Just what are the triggers for this? Should I see a shrink?
Despite listening to a extraordinarily loud ear drum damaging mixture of Green Day, Coldplay and Franz Ferdinand on my drive in this morning today’s tune, unbelievably, is………
Jeans On by David Dundas, a “hit” from the 70’s triggered by if memory serves me correctly by one of the first Levi ads to associate the marketing power of catchy tunes to increased sales. Just look at the recent list of the “songs in my head” and tell me that I’m not being punished in some way by a higher authority…….
Build me up Buttercup (can’t remember who sings this)
Angelo (Brotherhood of Man)
Puppy Love (Donny bastard Osmond)
Pump up the Volume (Marrs)
Power of Love (Huey Lewis and The News)
Copacabana (Barry Manilow)
Gaye (Clifford T Ward…I mean how do I even remember such shite?)
The War Song (Culture Club at their very worst, I mean why couldn’t it have been just “War” by Edwin Starr?)
Shite aren’t they? How long before James Cunt’s Blunt’s awful, bland, insipid dirge “You’re Beautiful” features…..oh shit I may have just done it myself.
And here are some notable but rare exceptions where I have actually liked the song and the higher authority inflicting this plague on me has misjudged my taste completely.
Hey Girl, Don’t Bother Me (The Tams, also the first ever song I heard on the now defunct Dial-a-Disc phone service)
Papa Was A Rolling Stone (The Temptations)
Teenage Rampage (The Sweet)
This Town Ain’t Big Enough (
Brilliant Mind (Furniture)
Later, GrocerJack.
Did some earth shattering apocalyptic event happen this weekend? Was the natural world order turned upside down? Am I dreaming but does the whole of the
b.) Arrogance
c.) Laziness
John Dempsey once said this in the papers in about 1973, just before the East Stand virtually bankrupted us and so began a decade or more of decline and mediocrity. I then heard David Speedie say it to the press once when it looked like the combination of him and Kerry Dixon might end the trophy drought, but no, we followed that up with a couple more relegations in what could best be described as a 20 year period of transition. Since Glenn Hoddle took over though, all
“We’re not thinking about any trophies, we just want to win games and see what that brings us” - (which translates in Curse language to.....
The game itself was for once everything that was expected from such a clash of two teams, one still on its giddy ascent to the very peak of footballing excellence and the other still smarting from 20 years of relative failure after a glorious purple patch through he 70’s and 80’s. To be fair to Liverpool they must still be viewed very much as a ”work in progress” team, and there is no doubt that they have a greater resilience under the increasingly barmy Prince Rafa of The Wirral, than they ever did under the headmaster-ish Mr Houllier of St. Scousers Secondary Modern. In essence they seem very similar to the early George Graham Arsenal sides, diligent, dour, defensive and hard to beat. However Graham’s sides knew how to win “ugly” and were proud of the reputation they gained in winning games 1-0. Did the Arsenal fans care? Did they hell! I’m sure that the increasingly long suffering Red scousers would gladly accept similar styles of football in exchange for collecting the trophy that says “Champions of England” . We waited 50 years for that accolade and after Sunday you can’t help but think that
And so to the game – a pulsating affair with Chelsea again doing their now customary first half cagey approach, allowing the opposition to play with the ball, to pass it amongst themselves, to familiarise themselves with the ball pending the moment we take control of the game such that the opposition see very little of the thing after that. Liverpool’s game plan was obvious from the first moment, pack the midfield, stay firm at the back and knock the ball to the unfeasibly lanky Crouch for him to head the ball down to………er……..that’ll be no-one then. Despite Morientes and Cisse being on the bench, Barmy Barking Prince Rafa of the Wirral decided that his striking needs would be best met by fielding one of the Lord of The Rings Walking Trees. It did beg the question from the
And so, the first half ended and I was finally able to sit down. Yes, that’s right. For the first time I can ever remember, every person on the Matthew Harding Lower (hereinafter known as the MHL) had stood from 5 minutes before the game started until half time. It’s odd that when offered the ticket I gladly parted with £650 for a seat that unbeknownst to me my Harry Kewell like peachy arse would barely touch Not through absence, but through being in the MHL where the most common sound is the rhythmic thump of seats as they spring back to the upright position for as people stand for virtually any reason. Sunday was even more extreme, because despite the warnings from stewards and the PA, virtually everyone stood for all of the game and in the end the stewards waved the white flag of surrender knowing that this level of civil disobedience was insurmountable. The net result of this was the fact the atmosphere was of the like I’ve not experienced this season. The only real time it has been at this level was when Fulham equalised on Boxing Day. But from the very start of this game the crowd sang and chanted and shouted like 44,000 demonically possessed teenagers. It was as if the fans knew that the secondary battle was in providing an Anfield like atmosphere thus ensuring that the
The second half started with Liverpool re-entering the pitch early and right from the start it was obvious that
Penultimately, the sending off issue. Robben’s behaviour was shameful. It doesn’t befit a player of his skill and talent to behave like that. Leave that to mo-mark idiots like Robbie Savage, or the likes of Cheater Pires. I said the same thing after Makalele got a
Finally, to a glorious moment of tunnel shenanigans before the game. If you didn’t see it you missed a joyful moment that should be cherished. You can see the video clip here!. It must be a 3rd Eye on Soccer AM this weekend. A 5 year old
Later, ChelseaJack