Friday, 25 February 2005

What do I know?

I’ve just met Screamer at the coffee machine where he decided to have a chat.

He’s got a wedding ring. He has a picture of his wife on his desk.

She’s fucking gorgeous.

She would be wouldn’t she?

I am the fuckwit.

As Martin Fry from the fantastic ABC once said

If you judge a book by its cover

Then you judge the look by the lover

I hope you’ll soon recover


I go from one extreme to another

Later, LoserJack.

The world of plans……

Yeah, I’ve calmed down….a bit.

Yesterday I went to a meeting, one of the ones you get invited to but have no real idea of what it’s about. One of teams in The Sandmans mini-empire has recruited a screamer from one of the The Godfathers (that’s the Sandmans boss….and yep….. he is Italian….so this pseudonym seemed apt) other mini-empires. This bloke has been bought in to help us improve our planning of resource and budget. A right fucking bundle of fun he sounds. Why do I call him a screamer…well to say he’s slightly effeminate is like calling Elton John slightly gay or even slightly bald. Now I’m NOT homophobic, but when you’re a bloke you can tell the screaming queens immediately and in my mind this bloke makes Dale Winton look as hard as nails.

So this was Screamers idea (I kid you not)

We are not Operationally effective or efficient.

We are performing well.

But we are not performing at our Optimal Operational Performance Ceiling

We need a plan.

In fact we need several plans.

We need a Project Plan showing in depth details of projects we are committed to.

We need a High Level Project Plan containing only high level details of the same projects

We need a Support Plan

We need a Business as Usual Plan

We need Team Plans

We need individual team member plans

We need a Strategy Plan which lists the strategies of each team function

We need a Roadmap Plan

We need a Skills Development Plan

We need a Contingency Plan for unknowns

All of these will then act as feeds into the Resource Pool Plan….

Which in turn feeds into a Budget Plan

Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

Does it rhyme with “he must be a right trucking banker”?

Or does it rhyme with “ stupid runt”?

I am now in the world of Planning. I am a Planner. Everything is fine if we have a plan. The world is good if it has a Plan. I need to sort out and update my Life Plan.

So do you….

So does everyone...

Plans are good. Plans will save me. Plans will save you. We need more Plans.

I need a lie down.......

Later, GrocerPlan.

Thursday, 24 February 2005

Miserable bastard……

The mysterious Pen fairy is now plaguing me at work. When I want a pen I go to the pen pot on my desk…and there’s fuck all there. Perhaps there’s a national pen shortage I’m not aware of and therefore people are hoarding them with a view to selling them on eBay at enormous profits.

So, why am I miserable? Because a few pens have gone missing? Because I’m skint after the real Christmas cost is hitting home and the old bank account is looking very……sparse? Because The Mysterious M is on holiday and I can’t avoid receiving crap work from The Sandman? Because I live in a work world that is an utterly fucked collage of complete bollocks?

Nope – its because some Swedish cunt of a referee cost my beloved Chelsea a victory against Barca-fucking-lona last night. We lost to Newcastle in the FA Cup on Sunday – fine – I’ll take a fair defeat like a man, or at least as best a footie fan can, which means there’s always a whinge. But when some self-preening, photo happy, attention seeking, Napoleonic mannered fuckwit makes totally shite decisions like sending off Didier Drogba in the second half of a pulsating match then I get annoyed. Annoyed doesn’t cover it…red descended mist is more like 15 coats of red gloss over my eyes.....I am fucking furious.





The decision was scandalous because Drogba was going for a 50-50 ball with the goalkeeper. Drogba got the ball first but he and the goalkeeper collided each collapsing under the combined momentum of their efforts to get the ball. Cue Anders Frisk Prick, running over to brandish a second yellow card at Drogba, despite the first one being dished out for another innocuous challenge. I’m sure the fact that opposing coach Frank “Grolly Gobber” Rijkaard paid the ref a little “hospitality” visit at half time had nothing to do with it. He’s a striker for fucks sake – it’s his job to challenge for the ball. In the English premiership both challenges would have been dealt with by a ticking off from the ref AT MOST! But in the world of Euro-Ballet-Pansy-Gay-Amateur Dramatics football the goalkeeper goes down in a similar vein to Willem Dafoe in Platoon. Blimey the only thing missing was Barbers Adagio for Strings being played over the PA in The Nou Camp stadium. The balance of the game was changed after that, and despite leading 1-0, we were battered by them as they took full advantage of the numerical imbalance of 11 versus 10. Inevitably they equalized, and just as inevitably they scored to lead 2-1 and for 25 minutes they rained in attack after attack. It’s a credit to The Mighty Blues that we kept the score at 2-1. And in the cold light of day it’s a good result, because we have the away goal, and a return leg at Stamford bridge in which a 1-0 win will see us through. But the sting is that the magnificent Drogba will be suspended for that game, and we have no-one left who can score goals. It’s going to be tough, but if Frisk is the referee for the return game then I would suggest he gets a police escort in and out of the UK, let alone Stanford Bridge. Cunt is not a word I use often, but in this case it’s the ONLY word that can be used to describe him

Oh, and one last thing. Didier Drogba was very upset at the decision, understandably and for those who don’t know – he’s black. As he left the pitch he was subject to the usual Spanish Fuckwit Racist Bigot Shitnecks monkey chants. This despite the fact that 3 or 4 Barcelona players are black. So they’re fucking thick as well.

And what have UEFA said about this………..yeah….. Fuck All. So they’re cunts as well.

Spain has a long way to go to reach the level of civilisation that we enjoy. I am not saying we don’t have racists. But I can’t recall ever having heard a racist comment at Chelsea for many many years.

Not happy. And not apologising to anybody for this rant. Its cathartic.

Later, GrocerJack.

Wednesday, 23 February 2005

Black Holes........

My house has become a black hole for various objects. By this I mean that the very things I want to use are never there. They have disappeared. They have ceased to exist.


I bring home pens from work. Yes, I know technically this is stealing, but we're talking a dozen or so Bic biros so for fucks sake get real. I then place some in the container by the phone in the living room and some in the "desk tidy" (thanks Betterware) in the study by the main PC. So how come when someone calls and I need to note down a number or message I can never find a pen! The lovely fully working Bic Biros have all been replaced by blunt pencils or dried up gel pens. Are Teenager and baby running a pen racket at school? Is GMD giving them away to friends and neighbours?


I buy batteries for things such as remote controls, toys, cameras etc. Sensibly I buy in bulk so as to assure the presence of spares when required at a vital TV Channel turning over moment. Yep, you've guessed it, when I need one they've all gone. Mysteriously no-one else in the house knows where they are. Why is this?

Brita Filtered Water:

I bought one of these because I am tight-fisted. I want filtered water, but not something that needs attaching to the plumbing of the house. I fill it up, leave it for two hours to chill the water nicely for subsequent pouring into a long glass, with a dash of lemon juice or some Blackcurrant squash (because all other squash is crap). But when I go to the fridge, all that is there is an empty, but very cold water container. Again, no-one seems to know why this has happened.

Remote Controls:

Nine in total – 3 downstairs for the TV, DVD and Cable plus 6 upstairs for the various TV, Cable and DVD bits of kit. So why is the one I need always missing? Why does no-one else in the house know anything about the whereabouts of the one I want?

Sweets, biscuits and chocolate:

I know there are copious amounts of these dotted around the house. I also know I buy some to munch at a quiet moment. Something like a nice Plain chocolate digestive, or a packet of wine gums….or a bar of Fruit and Nut. Yep, you’ve guessed it. They disappear into the black hole existing somewhere in the core of my house.

I’ve now got to the point where I hide pens and batteries, stash biscuits and sweets. I buy bottled mineral water because the kids don’t like it. I am turning into this miserly person who resents buying things that are consumed by others, leaving none for me? Is this normal?

Later, Grocerjack.

Saturday, 19 February 2005

This is another truth about women - this picture denotes Control Settings. Would anyone really deny this? Later GrocerJack Posted by Hello

I have one or two of these - its nothing personal girls...honest.....Click on the picture to enlarge it and make it easier on your eye.

Later, GrocerJack Posted by Hello

Thursday, 17 February 2005

Diseases II

Time for a whinge.And this time its about an additional disease that is plaguing the country and for all I know the world. Its the disease of Apologism.

This disease is spread by sanctimonious journalists and do gooders suffering in a lot of cases from the previously mentioned Hypocrisitis. The symptoms of the disease take the form of hysterical rantings about the descendants or successors of people or organisations to apologise for the actions of people or organisations which have gone before us. Personally I find this disease nauseating and am sick of the clamour in the press and broadcast media for apologies for previous actions. Here are some examples

Twat poet Benjamin Zepheniah demanding apologies from the Queen and/or the Government for slavery. Slavery was a heinous method of control and suppression, but what the fuck has it got to do with us in modern society? It was abolished hundreds of years ago as sanity and reason won the argument against those who sanctioned it. But todays monarch and todays PM weren't born then. Neither was I, so why should I feel fucking guilty about it. I wasn't there, I didn't do it..honest. What power is divested in them or me to apologise on behalf of dead people? Slavery was regrettable, but we didn't personally sanction it or take part in it. So no apology please - if those who are guilty want to apologise then let them visit us from their spiritual existence and do it.

German politiicans demanding The Queen apologise for the bombing of Dresden during WWII. they start a war, kill millions across Europe, instigate the genocide of 6 million Jews and then 50 odd years later want us to apologise for giving them the same tratment they dished out to London, Portsmouth, Coventry............See where I'm going here?

Jews demanding apologies from the government for NOT bombing Auschwitz during the war. Hmmm...even if it could be categorically proven that the British Government did know of the atrocities, one can only wonder what these very people would be saying now. Probably berating us for the bombing and killing of innocent Jewish people already living a hellish existence in a concentration camp. Again, why should we apologise fo something our forebears did NOT do? The decisions taken at the time were weighed up and taken honestly. If they wrong then so be it...but they were not anti-semtic or malicious. IT WASN'T OUR fAULT.

The Guildford Four/Birmingham Six. Appalling miscarriages of justice which have undoubtedly wrecked lives. But what is it to do with Tony Blair? The government didn't sentence them, the judges did. The government didn't find them guilty, the juries did. The government didn't arrest them, the police did. What the governement did do was re-open the cases when the new evidence was uncovered. I have no doubt someone should apologise, maybe the Lord Chief Justice of the time if alive, or the investigating officers and jurors if still around. But NOT the government, and not Tony Blair, who was barely out of school when this happened. I would have thought the respective families should be thanking the government for allowing justice to take its course as compelling evidence became available.

Ken Livingstone should apologise to the jewish London Evening Standard hack who decided to have a pop at him. Why? Ken Livingstone is a popular Mayor, elected by substantial majority and likely to do so again. He has campaigned tirelessly against racism, sexism and inequality etc for years. He has suffered the bile and poisonous diatribes from this rag and its national daily sister paper - The Daily Facist for 30 years. Yet like the hypocrites they are they howl with indignation the minute they get some of their own back. And they accuse him of being anti-semitic! I would question any journalist who is jewish and works for either rag when you consider the papers histories and links with facism. By the way, if I insult someone who is jewish, perhaps calling them a useless cunt based on their total fuckwittery at work ....does that automatically mean I'm anti-semitic? Are jewish people so saintly that they never do any wrong and can never be criticised? Or is that what the press want to stir up? The use of the phrase "anti-semitic" is too easily banded about is the racist tag applied to anyone who questions or criticises someone of colour. Some Jews are thick, some Christians are ignorant, some black people are prejudiced. The conditions are human, not colour or creed based. It's the nature of the Homo Sapien beast I'm afraid.

Boris Johnson apologising to whiny scousers because he had the temerity to state what a lot of people thought about the unswerving ability of Liverpool to oversentimentalise when a son or daughjer of the city dies. This was brought to the fore by the events surrounding Ken Bigley, an unfortunate man beheaded by terrorist thugs in Iraq. But lets get one thing straight - he was there for the money, not for the good of the Iraqi people, and he spurned the security arrangements offered to all foreign workers "helping" rebuild the country. Boris may be a bumbling fuckwit but he got this criticism of Liverpool spot on.

I could go on, but I feel my point is made. We have become a world where we can only accept our own victimhood culture, a world where we demand the sympathy and apology of those who contribute to our circumstances as if it makes any difference to the events gone previously.

We have to find a scapegoat. For all I know one of my distant ancestors may have committed some horrendous acts on less fortunate people and in todays society of apologism and it's associated victimhood culture perhaps I am expected to bear some responsibility to those families to whom this may have happened. Yeah...right. Should I apologise for that now they're dead? Someone would be waiting a long fucking time for me to do that......

Later, UnashamedUnapologeticJack

Tuesday, 15 February 2005


Further to my day with The Sandman and my invite to the top table, along with the other Company Nomarks it appears that the disease I have of Hypocrisitis is complicated by another condition which I shall call Arslikhan Arslikhan itself complicated by Desperandumitis. Hypocrisitis is easily explainable as the schizioid personality of someone who moans, whines and knows he is better than the fools he works for, but smiles and does exactly what they say in order to preserve the system of employment that pays large(ish) sums of money each month in order to fund an increasingly leisure oriented lifestyle. It can be confused with Mercenary Syndrome in which all moral judgements are cast aside in pursuit of filthy lucre.

Arslikhan Arslikhan is an ailment whereby the sufferer starts to agree profusely with his peers and bosses in order to make his work look better and to be seen as a "bloody good bloke". It increases in intensity closer to annual appraisal time, pay rise time, or before annual leave is requested. This has been happening a lot to me lately.

Desperandumitis is a condition where the sufferer decides that he or she does want to get on in their job, despite their better nature. It is uncontrollable because the sufferer is normally at a reasonable level of cynicism and independent thought but then finds themself agreeing with and understanding "performance drivers", "process improvement initiatives" and "company strategy".

Oh my God! I have been guilty of writing and publishing a strategy recently! I have also inititated two very high profile "process improvement inititatives". I have been explaining and evangelising "performance drivers" to my team. This is all happening despite my inner real thoughts. Before I know it my cynicism will be spent.

Fuck me, I'm even stepping into the breach for 3 weeks to deputise for The Mysterious M as he flies off for some Florida sun. I will be at The Sandmans table for 3 weeks.

Grocerjack is becoming GlobalEfficienciesJack.

I am becoming corporatised.

I am being assimilated.

Resistance is futile.

Later, BorgJack

Friday, 11 February 2005

The Real Story?

A Copy of e-mail received by B&Q customer services:

Dear Sir/Madam

My congratulations to you on getting a yacht to leave the UK on 28th November 2004, sail 27,354 miles around the world and arrive back 72 days later.

Could you please let me know when the kitchen I ordered 96 days ago will be arriving from your warehouse 13 miles away?

Later, SailorJack

Thursday, 10 February 2005

On the way up?

Today I was invited to The Sandmans top table. This is the occasion when we the lower orders of middle managers get to sit and feed on the scraps of information that has been held back from us all year,. and to contribute to the progress of the culture and the team......yeah....whatever.

I think I'm supposed to be grateful, especially as tonight we all get to actaully eat with The Sandman as well. Whoopee-fucking -doo.

So, today has been a thrilling experience of discussing the following

Six Sigma Black belts

Six Sigma Green Belts and volunteers - (Yeah my name was right in the frame for that)



People Development (or how to get them out of the compnay)

Cultural Change

Evolution Plans

Release Plans

Operating Plans

Development Plans

Technical Plans

Global Plans

Global Domination (no...really.......we want the world)

Consolidated Plans to contain all the plans



KPI enhancements

Communications Initiatives

Global Plans to dominate us (yes.....those dastardly Europena members of the family want to rule us like some crazed despots hell bent on assimilating us.....or in other words they want to share their vision with us....nice wording huh?)

Leadership initiatives


Yawn......and I'm supposed to be grateful am I?

So why does it feel quite nice to be included. Why can't I stand by my cynical priciples and just take the piss?

Because I've got a fucking mountain of debt, a huge mortgage, money sucking kids, expensive hobbies and life plans that need money to be achieved.

I am a fucking hypocritical, spineless, turncoat, mercenary shit.......... and I have no problem with that.

And tonight I'm fucking driving so I can't even get pissed to let off some steam. Just as well, because GobbyJack tends to come out and play after a few drinks, and I'd rather keep my inner self very quiet in front of The Sandman.

Later, GrocerJack

Tuesday, 8 February 2005

The Review…..

Past Mortem by Ben Elton

This is by my calculation Elton’s 9th novel and probably his best yet. I have followed Ben Elton’s career with interest since the 80’s because quite simply I am a big fan of his Motormouth comedy style. I loved his satire in the 80’s and his tirades against Thatch and her gang seemed to sum up the futility of my generations feelings about what was being dismantled around us – little things like the manufacturing industry, the mining industry, community spirit, whole communities and introducing s dividedness into Britain which exists to this very day – the huge gap between the Haves and Have-Nots. Over the years I have been to see him on stage several times and each time he has been superb and left me with tears running down my face. PC? A bit. Toilet Humour? Absolutely! One thing is for sure, he has settled into a softer middle aged with the inclusion of marriage and kids in his life, but as a comedian of my generation I expected this to occur to him, as it did to me and my loyalty remains undimmed.

Sure, he has written some musicals with Lloyd Webber, and wrote the scripts behind the Rod Stewart and Queen musicals, both of which were savaged by the critics but are still raking in full houses and loads of money to the theatres staging them. I never really understood the criticisms of these shows. Its as if the Theatre is the sole preserve of “new” stuff by Lloyd Webber, whereas quite frankly I’d much rather have a night out listening to songs that I know and love, and have played a big part in my life especially during the growing up years. I haven’t seen either show yet, so I will not comment on their respective merits or otherwise. This type of criticism just reinforces my bemusement at people my age who rave on about how good the “new” stuff is whilst denigrating the stuff they grew up with in some sad desperate measure of their desire to be “down with the kids”. These are same sort of knobbers who criticise The Manic Street Preachers or U2, whilst parading their faux indie-ness and street cred by wearing badges of The Fall or other dull arsed wannabee untalented musical whores like The Libertines – yeah very original them, that’s never been done before has it?

Anyway, I digress, back to the book. Elton has a fantastic knack of writing stories around contemporary issues and his novels have covered topics such as the environment, globalisation, media and entertainment, drugs, reality TV and now with this one the phenomenon of Friends Reunited linked with the increasing worry of bullying. He covers this topic very subtly, and you’re halfway through before you realise it’s bullying that’s at the heart of the plotline. In effect it’s masquerading as a good old fashioned serial killer being investigated by cynical and methodical copper, albeit a short arsed ginger haired one who’s working relationship with his partner is complicated by the fact the he has fallen in love with her. He finds himself at the very heart of the serial killers incredibly sadistic methods of murder and apparently unrelated victims and the unrelenting build up to the climax means that in the excellent tradition of murder mysteries, any one of about 5 people are the suspects as you head toward the last few pages. Elton keeps the chapters at the right length and the ease of the read is in his skill in not chopping and changing between scenarios in between chapters. In fact I found it very hard to not read the whole thing in one sitting, such was the pace and intrigue set up in the plotline and writing.

One thing that is lacking in the book is the usual level of wry humour expected from Elton and in this respect this is a step up for him, although personally I hope he does keep the humour going in future books. Being able to make people laugh is a real and rare talent and one which he shouldn’t jettison too freely. All of his previous books have contained several laugh out loud moments, including some that have made me look like a right nutter in embarrassing places like trains or hotel restaurants. It is also the most adult of his books so far by virtue of the first real attempt at writing sex scenes and the first time that sexuality is really covered in any of his books to date. As you would expect though Ben Elton does not write the scenes as the most romantic and rose tinted scenes ever, and gritty realism is a better description of how he writes them, and in this case openly describing the rather extreme acts (in my view) of …ahem….fisting and felching. The latter being a new one on me, and ….errrr…quite an eye opener as well!

Overall I’d give this book 9 out of 10 and this just pips ahead of his previous 2 books Dead Famous and High Society. The real test will be if I enjoy it second and third times like all of his previous books.

A great book for those whom like to be entertained without being lectured or bored into submission.

Later , GrocerJack

The Politics of Girl Guiding and The Brownies

The cast of the Brownies trip to Paris

GMD – you know who this is

Fletcher Christian – The Kings Wife, GMD’s friend and the overall organiser of the trip.

TMW – The Majors Wife, GMD’s friend and another confirmed Guider

BOU – Another guider but with barking mad tendencies and an adeptness for telling some might fine porkies

Captain Bligh – The District Commissioner, old bag, born again virgin, part of the Mary Whitehouse brigade and freeloader extraordinaire

The Admiralty – the girl guiding hierarchy who have succeeded in pretty much preventing this movement form joining the rest of us in the 21st Century.

So GMD and Fletcher Christian disappear with TMW and BOU and other assorted women who are kind enough to give their time to run the Guides, Brownies and Rainbows. This trip has been planned for 128 months because if nothing else Fletcher Christian knows how to plan such events meticulously because frankly taking 36 kids of varying ages from 9 to 14 is such a taxing thought that only near military precision can make it work successfully. Plus to be actually allowed to do this the Guiders have to study and take exams that would frighten most of us away muttering “fuck that for a game of soldiers”, especially when the only gain is pride and satisfaction but NO money! . She even took the exam to be a lifeguard and to do that had to overcome a general fear of water.

The trip leaves from the Coach pick up point at 06:00 and by 15:00 I have received the “we’ve arrived safely” message and all seems to be going well. I received a few updates during the trip but to be frank they were only away for 2 nights and synchronizing calling times rarely works so conversations with GMD were infrequent at best. But it transpires that Captain Bligh was operating a “whispering” campaign throughout the weekend. Yes, the type of thing that has done for many a politician was happening here, on a Brownie trip!. The “smear” campaign being run by this pseudo Guide supremo was targeted at Fletcher Christian. It was just like Maggie Thatcher damning John Major or any of her successors with faint praise or generally just criticising them in general. In the end she did for all of her successors with some mistimed, misinterpreted or probably just deliberate comments on their abilities. Now, if this happened to me I’d be inclined to confront the person there and then, maybe clock ‘em if necessary with an unfortunate one, but then that’s what blokes tend to do. Violence is not always the answer, but fuck me sometimes it is exactly the answer. That’s how I stopped myself being bullied at 13 and having the fags I nicked from my mum nicked off me at school. I just smacked the geezer concerned and we ended up in a fight but that’s another story for another day. This is not meant to be sexist in any way but women do tend to be softer about this type of thing and consequently end up suffering more and so Fletcher Christian put on the brave face during this covert personal assault.

On the way home this seemed to be continuing and Captain Bligh was operating from the back of the coach even before they got to the Ferry. With any large group of course the more in the group the more chance of a mishap and so, as fate would have it. BOU’s daughter fell on the very last step on the ferry staircase that leads to where the coach was parked. She appeared to have sustained a broken arm and was obviously very shocked and upset, as was BOU. However if nothing else BOU is a competent guider and so knew not to panic. Her daughter was taken to the nearest A&E unit and Fletcher Christian dispatched The King to drive to the hospital thus ensuring that BOU and casualty could get home that evening. BOU’s husband is a sea-farer and is currently in the middle of some god forsaken part of the world waking up every day and looking out of the window and thinking “Yup, that’d be the sea then”.

Of course this incident was a godsend to the poisoned tongue of Captain Bligh who elevated the smear and whispering campaign up a notch to make it plain that she was not happy with the turn of events and the way they were dealt with. All of this served to undermine what Fletcher Christian had done in organising the trip, and to bring her down and perhaps question her own handling of everything. Classic bully tactics - make the person feel bad about themselves and you’ve won the battle. Despite the best will in the world Fletcher Christian then rang Captain Bligh after the trip and actually confronted her about the whispering and smearing. Did Captain Bligh back down? No, from what I gather she went back at Fletcher Christian even harder. GMD spent a good hour or so on the phone trying to support Fletcher Christian and devise a strategy going ahead. At this time it seemed that Fletcher Christian had the support of TMW, GMD, The Lone Rangers Wife and the rest of the volunteers, although oddly BOU was keeping right out of everything. The next day Fletcher Christian then rang GMD and said that the Admiralty had called her and had asked her to hand in her warrant card. Bloody hell, this was serious and immediately GMD was on the phone to the local Admiralty explaining what had really occurred. Since then all I’ve heard is that whispers are continuing and that cliques are building. Another phone call from Fletcher Christian to Captain Bligh resulted in Blighs own daughter matter of factly saying that Bligh was not in and that even if she was she would not enter into any dialogue with Fletcher Christian anyway.

Does this end up nicely? Did the full crew mutiny and join Fletcher Christian? I had hoped it would, and that mass resignation would bring about the downfall of the Hierarchy at the Admiralty when no-one was able to run the brownie and guide packs for the surrounding area. Of course the real victims would be the girls who attend each week and actually gain valuable life skills instead of hanging around the local shop, listening to rap, smoking fags with spotty twats whose ambition is to be part of a boy band or get a good steady job in MacDonald’s

Does Fletcher Christian find peace on an idyllic island inhabited with beautiful natives? Well not quite. She has actually resigned her commission, after all who needs this shit when you’re not getting paid for it? She did this against most people’s advice to be honest but perhaps like some sort of Mandelson figure this will act just as a stopgap in the Guiding career of Fletcher Christian and that like a phoenix she will rise again to glory.

What confuses me is that an organisation with a faux military hierarchy does not have any sort of disciplinary or arbitration process. When things like this occur, it becomes whispers behind closed doors, rumours and counter rumours and the soft shuffling noise of things being swept under dusty old carpets. And they wonder why they struggle to recruit volunteers?

Watch this space.

Later , GrocerJack

Thursday, 3 February 2005

In case you hadn't noticed....

...I'm having a break from blogging for a few days to try and refresh some parts. I am rooting through things to write about including salacious events from my colourful past and possible the political machinations and Machiavellian scheming of the Girl Guiding movement....yes honestly...Parliament has nothing on the politics of Guiding! It's been part of my life since GMD got back and some of it defies belief. Watch this space.

Now breathing freely and without any nasal ejaculations or glass particles in the throat. See, I told you I was hard.

Later, GrocerJack